Forging a map Specifically for SWAT

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TripleDarkfeind, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. TripleDarkfeind

    TripleDarkfeind Forerunner

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    What do you think would make up a map specially made for SWAT? I am not talking about the ones that are already there, we all know that their are very few maps for SWAT and it gets tiring playing the same maps over and over, I would like to make a map design for swat and only swat. Now I have an idea but I do not exactly know how to go about it. My question for all of you forgers is this, what should the dynamics of a map for swat be? how should the layout be and should it be symmetrical or asymmetrical?

    Another thing, I was thinking about making a map for Schwat (shotgun swat) I was going to make a close quarters match designed for this map. Would that be a likable idea?
  2. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    Sounds interesting. I have made some maps specifically designed for swat. Now for the layout I would have to say asymmetrical, the reason being is that it will promote more tactical/strategic gameplay which I find swat doesn't have enough of.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I'm not a big fan of SWAT and the main reason is that most SWAT maps encourage camping in some place that either gives you cover plus a view of a lot of the map, or a place where people can only approach from one angle and thus you don't have to do any thinking, just aim and pull the trigger. To me, a perfect SWAT map would somehow cut down on both of those things. Asylum is a decent SWAT map - Sword Base and Pinnacle are not.
  4. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've noticed that pretty much the only way to win SWAT Asylum is to be really aggressive and get into the opponents base.
  5. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
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    Remake the pit from halo 3 and there you have it, a perfect swat map. Just kidding. As for layout, I agree with bullet, asym. You also want something with easy callouts and colors. Making a swat map would be pretty similar to making an infection map, ita all about balance. Regarding cover, if a spot is powerful in swat, take the cover out, making headshots wide open. But if you wanna give cover, don't be lazy and throw any cover down. Railings that only cover the head are cool in swat, let's you see a player before your able to headshot him from across the map. Another thing I can think of for swat, height variation. what I mean is you don't want players running around with the left stick never moving up or down. People are able to get easy no-skill headshots when everything's on the same level. That's my two cents, good luck wit your map.
  6. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
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    Another point to keep in mind is that the DMR is a hitscan weapon which means that there is no bullet travel time. Each shot hits instantly if it is a confirmed hit.
    Your map cannot be too open if you want to make a truly challenging game, you also want to eliminate as many camping spots as possible while providing players with balanced lines of sight. Adding shotguns might encourage camping since 1 shot should theoretically kill if you can sneak up close enough to an enemy player. You'd want to tweak with the weapons damage settings a bit so shotgun isn't so OP (like they did with pummel). Those are a couple of suggestions from me. Good luck making the map I look forward to playing it, I'm pretty tired of all the maps in MM for SWAT.
  7. LBS

    LBS Forerunner

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    Nah, pretty much the only way to win it is just get lucky with the spawns. God, those are terrible in Asylum.

    So OP, please put a lot of thought into the spawns. It's usually what ruins a swat game. Connected with this issue (and also noted above): better to make it sheltered than open. Look for example at Asylum, Pinnacle and Uncaged on one side and maps like Countdown and Reflection on the other. I'd definitely pick the second category for SWAT. (Although usually the opposite happens in matchmaking...)
  8. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's not true.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    It's actually the opposite of true. Asylum has static spawns and you can more easily predict spawn locations on that map than just about any other in Reach except maybe Countdown. You don't win on Asylum by getting "lucky" with spawns - you occupy the middle, push into enemy territory, and force them to fight their way out of their own spawns (or die over and over in the attempt). You may dislike the kind of gameplay that leads to, but that's definitely a form of strategy, it's not just blind luck.
  10. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In SWAT it's usually the best to get into their base and possibly get behind their spawns.
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I usually do that on Asylum no matter what, but you're right, it's especially effective in SWAT where they are usually heading toward center/the other side of the map by default. If you are in their base and have teammates or near the ring, that puts them in a horrible situation off spawn where no matter which way they face, someone is shooting them in the back of the head.
  12. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    This is true of any map, because it is true of any corner that has no back entrance. And any map will have this feature or it would probably be boring for other reasons.
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    What you're arguing is true but only in a technical sense. By which I mean, there's a huge difference between any old corner, and a spot where you are watching a main thoroughfare of the map with no way for anyone to approach you except from front-on. Maps can and should cut down on places like that - particularly in SWAT where a single shot kills. You need multiple approaches to any potential power position - either multiple ways to physically access it, multiple lines of sight to fire upon it, or (ideally) both.

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