This is basically Forgehub for Quake. There are hundreds of maps for people to study and take inspiration from. ..::LvL - Quake 3 Arena Maps (Q3A Custom Maps)
There are already tons of maps there. He's posting this so people can look at the designs and take inspiration from them to transfer into Halo. I took a quick look at one of the maps, Windsong Keep, and I'll definitely have to keep this site bookmarked. I think I've come across it at one point before too. Thanks for sharing Xzamplez.
^ Can't tell if you're being serious.. The site has a like 15 year history of maps for people on this site to go through and take inspiration from. Edit: this was meant for cluk.
Two of his maps are in Quake Live and a few others won some huge map making tourneys. I looked into some of his other maps for inspiration, obviously
Yeah I have taken a look at some of these and have already been inspired. Some of those maps are pretty impressive in terms of layout. Thanks for the link.
Badass. Thanks for this resource; definitely very helpful since I'm struggling to create an asym design right now.
The only real issue I have with Quake styled maps is the lack of H2-esque arena designs... There seems to be an overwhelming presence of room based designs, which while they are impressive, I don't find the game play of most room based maps very enjoyable... I am making a broad generalization btw.
Perhaps because it is harder to make a room-based map (both asym and sym) that plays well than it is to do a standard symmetrical atrium map? If you've got the right connections to each room, a good dose of verticality, and a bit of over-under, then room-based designs can play extremely well and have a lot of variety/replayability. Of course, the same goes for all maps.
My big issue with room based maps though is the general lack of cross map LoS and intuitive set-ups that a To4 can establish to vie for map control. I don't care how beautiful the map design is. If it doesn't support such a style of play, its not interesting to me. Nothing grinds my nerves in Halo more than playing a map where the best strategy is to camp a single room as a team.
Room based maps don't promote camping. Badly designed room based maps support camping. [br][/br]Edited by merge:
Thought I'd post a picture of the map I used as my inspiration for "Legends of the Hidden Temple." I took my favorite aspects of that room and modified it to my own needs, with the rest of it being of my own design. Thanks again for sharing such a great resource- I can see this being very useful to anyone who might be having trouble coming up with a new map design. Also, @Schnitzel: Browse > Top Maps > Choose from Arena, CTF, Floater, etc. There are a ton of maps on this site that are not room-based. The ones that are are primarily suited for death-match/tourney play. Browse > Keywords will also let you refine what you are looking for. Some non-room-based designs I found that I think are pretty sick: Team Slayer/Multi-Flag Neutral Bomb/Flag, anyone? Another great map for multi-flag
I've been known to spend hours at a time clicking 'Surprise Me' on that site. It's like crack for level designers, lol. Here's my personal favorite - Goes Q*bert
Old thread is old. I love looking at lvlQ3 to see crazy geometry that people come up with. Even downloading those maps and playing them helps give you a better perspective.