Map Pack 3: Thanatos (preview) NEW UPDATE 5, with release date!!!! Hello everyone, just thought id post this up again purely becuase......... ive added 2 NEW maps 'Drift-Away', This is a drilling rig under construction and plays with the game mode 'Protect the President'. as i said before i will go into more detail when the game type, 'Protect the President' And a 'Zom-Bonus', now this is a map like no other..... its only downloadable if its in your recent games so you have to play it with a friend to download it, so catch the infection 'Zom-Bonus' and the other ones, Dust-Off and Crash-Out anyway thats it for now, please keep in mind that these are all in beta mode and will be due to release prefrebly next week until i give you guys more fish n chips thats it from me. Slashed. -UPDATE 4- Hello everyone, not long now until the map pack is released but just thought id say ive just read that the file share slots will be extended to i think 24 or something BRILLIANT like that, soooo you all know what that means....... either more map packs from me or...... BIGGER MAP PACKS, who says bigger isnt better hay ;P thats it from me now ill be back on sunday to say the final release date cheers, Slashed -UPDATE 5- THE FINAL UPDATE BEFORE RELEASE!!!!! okay earlier me and some mates did some beta testing and have now found what needs to be improved which follow as: .Dust-Off: FINISHED!! .Crash-Out: little tweeking, Guns, spawn points .Drift-Away: Spawn points, Guns for attacking team .Zom-Bonus: Amount of humans spawing inistualy, jump height, zombie speed and sprint, less gun options for the humans. Thats all friends until WEDNESDAY for release of Map Pack 3: Thanatos!!!! Cheers, Slashed.
Nice to see a new addition to the map pack Slashed, maybe you can show me the map a little before it gets released, like this weekend. From the pictures I can say that the map looks great but seems a little crowded in the central area. Great maps Slashed.
yeah id love to show you it will also be incuded in the beta lot along with the other 2 and well it isnt actualy that crouded it just looks it but its made for the Protect the President game type so hopefully it will work quite well
cheers, im not overly happy with the first two but u know they just make nice additions of the map pack
Wow, this is looking great. I cant wait for 'Crash Out', the plane looks great and the aesthetics on all of the maps are amazing. Can't wait to see how the maps turn out for gameplay, good luck!
thanks and yeah 'Crash-Out' took me 3 hours to make which for me is a long time on a map and im doing beta testing this weekend on them with a couple of other people so hopefully gameplay wise it will turn out well and then i can release them next week in time for easter
That's not very long at all. I'll spend a few hours on the first draft and several more on the second or third draft. Most of these look pretty casual.
thanks yeah there my faviourite but i cant wait to see how the other two play though, i think 'Drift-Away' will be very interesting seeming the attacking team have 2 falcons and they have a rocket hog and default hog which can drive from the beach to the structure
I am not sure about how the zom-bonus map is going to play because I can't get a good idea of what the map is from the pictures. But from what I can see it kinda looks like a destroyed bridge.
and there you will be right basicly just to shed some light on it, there are 8 humans that start off and the rest zombies, the humans are right in the center of the bridge with no way of getting to the other sides and your with your crashed pelican, you have limited supplys an you have zombies comming from both sides, the zombies are fast but weak and you have to hold of the zombies for 4 minutes........ simple right, well we will see, i can promise you its going to be hard ;P
By draft I mean draft. Like writing a first draft for an essay? Or a drawing? I forge it up to get the general idea of it. Then forge it again in a new area of forge world that suits it, at the same time reducing object count.
Haha I dont I never know what I'm going to make I just go on forge and see what happens I did try doin drafts oncE but I got bored so I scraped it