Act 1: Pillar Trials Created by Noxiw Players: 1 Required Gametype: So Close, Yet So Far Patience; it's typically a virtue that gets overlooked in this day and age. We have our gadgets, vehicles, machines... everything that makes our life's tasks faster and easier. It gives me great pride to announce that each and every one of you possesses this rare trait as each of you have sat silently... Silently waiting for this day to arive where you can enter Forge Hub and begin your trials. I congratulate you all, you've passed the first test! Act 1: Pillar Trials is one of the most elegantly forged, open puzzle maps around. Patience, Intellect, Cunning and Skill are all qualities you must possess in order for you to pass your trial. Without linear confinements, you must survey your surroundings and recycle recently used areas of the map in new, unique ways to progress further onwards and upwards. Make strong use of the Custom Powerup where ever you may find it, however, it's strong effects will burden you and render you motionless... Plan wisely my friends. You must place your focus within the rifle, for it is your main objective. Bring it back, and rest it upon the Mantle. Whether you're a first timer or an experienced puzzler, Pillar Trials is something you should download without question; if not only to marvel in it's beauty and be in awe of those who have passed before you. Caution: May cause sudden bursts of anger, distress and confusion. Pillar Trials - YouTube Download Act 1: Pillar Trials You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
So glad this got featured. I had an absolute blast playing through it, even if it drove me crazy at points.
I remember attempting this long before my days in forgehub, but could never complete it. I'll have to give it another go. Congratulations Nox!
Took you guys long enough, This map deserved this one, just the thought that was put into it is phenomenal. Great job, Noxiw!
Destroyed me with this one. Great job maintaining the aesthetic quality throughout the map! Well, I should say in the first room, I never got further than that. Great job! And may I say I am not the one person who scored it low for once!
This looks a very good puzzle that you made Noxiw. The aesthetics of the map is spot on and the way you built the map is quite unique. The way I say that because I've never seen puzzles map opened like that before. I just can't wait for Act II to come on Forgehub! This puzzle map deserves to be in featured maps. You've done an outstanding job making this puzzle map. You got my download. +1DL - EpICx ReMiX XD
This is a great map I love how it's diffrent from most maps I've seen also I love your design for the doors.