Find God (Heaven and Hell)

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by wade, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Just watch the video! Nothing else matters.

    After playing this map again with 10-14 people for quite a while yesterday, I am pretty sure that it is my favorite map/gametype that I have made.
    It may look chaotic, but the gameplay moves very well, and nothing is too difficult to figure out. The addition of falling into hell as a 2nd negative outcome, along with the regular (getting killed), really changes the dynamic.

    This is not just a CASUAL MAP. It is also a great COMPETITIVE MAP!

    Get cast out of Heaven, free fall 1000ft, and SURVIVE.... in Hell. The most epic KOTH game possible. Literally of Biblical proportions. You can become an Angel. You can become a Demon. You can pass back a forth between the two worlds. It may sound a little morbid, but watching a bunch of lost souls and dead bodies spill over into a bottomless pit is pretty fun.

    I was messing around with the one-way shields the other day when I made a discovery. I'm sure that someone else has figured this out before, but it was news to me, and it was the inspiration for this map.
    The "one-way shield lasagna crash mat" at the bottom of the Pit Of Despair will set you down unharmed.

    I really like the "Find God" gametype that I came up with for this, but the map works great with almost any variation of KOTH, CTF, Assault, or Territories. It's not bad for Team Slayer either.

    "Find God" is a static-king game with two custom power ups that create an "Angel," or "Fallen Angel/Demon" player for 60 seconds. The increased mobility, shield, and sword/hammer of the superior being allows them to patrol the the pit much more effectively. They also turn bright white and it looks cool...
    I hope everyone will enjoy this map, and the game. Let me know what you think.


















    #1 wade, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
  2. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *Moved to Casual maps Section
  3. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Whoa whoa why was this moved to casual maps??
    Did anyone try it out? Have you seen any of my other maps?
    I literally spent hours going over every single spawn point to make sure that this the best competitive map that I could possibly make... I don't even get an explanation?

    Is the language offensive? Should I change the description? Is it misleading?
    This map is meant to create an incredible game experience for the players. That was my only goal.

    If there is something that I need to change, please tell me and I will.
  4. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quite sorry, I owe you an explanation. it was brought to our attention by a member that this should be in casual maps. As it is not a "traditional" competitive map, coupled with the fact that it has a custom game type to go along with it, I made a decision to move this to casual maps, pending further discussion. That was why I moved it. I'm going to consult with other staff as to the right course of action here. once again sorry for the lack of explanation.

  5. wade

    wade Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    OK, no problems man. I understand. I just sincerely hope that you will reconsider soon. I have been extremely excited about sharing this map for weeks. I will take down the custom game type if you need me to. It really doesn't even matter. The map plays well with almost any traditional game.

    Gameplay is always my one and only priority. I just want my work to be unique.
    I am trying to enhance the game experience in as many new ways as I possibly can. Any aesthetic elements created along the way are completely incidental. The whole reason I included the pit was for what it does to the gameplay. It's awesome. I promise.

    I would also like to note that whoever brought this to your attention in the first place should probably be a little more thoughtful in the future. The map only had two downloads at the time it was moved, and I know who both of them were...

    I sometimes get a little annoyed when people make harsh criticisms after just glancing through a few pictures.
    But going to the extent of having this entire map, that I worked on so very hard, completely removed from a section of the website, because of a non-"traditional" look in the pictures? It's just not cool...

    Edited by merge:

    Also for all intents and purposes this is a completely "traditional" competitive map. The fall takes 4 seconds. It leaves you in a chamber with three large exits. The Cross teleporter has 6 different receiver nodes situated all around the upper level.

    It plays exactly like a plain old, run of the mill, 2-floor competitive map... Except with a bunch of exciting new elements. It took me forever to get it that way.

    Again, I'm not angry, but please apologize to whoever mentioned this too you. I am very, very sorry that I wanted to make things more interesting.

    I really hope that this can be moved back into its proper place soon.
    #5 wade, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012

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