*It turns out that maps are not downloadable anymore, so contact me (gt: Remember Isao24) if you are interested in saving the map in-game." The "I'm Done with Forge" Map Pack Created by Remember Isao24 Before I present these maps, the name of the map pack implies that I'm done forging for Reach, and actually done with customs as well. It's probably something I'll regret, but I removed all of my "online" friends from XBL. I mean no disrespect towards anyone removed; I have had some great times with you guys and I am going to miss it. Of course I have not been active with forgehub though, and never got a FHF. Either way, I've wasted so much time. I am attempting to put off the temptation to focus on much more important things, such as working out, running, school, sleep, and I have to prepare for moving out later in the fall / next year. I still have some time on my hands so I may lurk on the MLG forums and forgehub and still play some xbox, so it's all not entirely dramatic, besides removing my xbl friends. By the way, a quick disclaimer: My join date on the left is definitely not my real join date. I have released maps since 2008 on Halo 3. I've been pretty damn lazy lately, despite being a sophomore in college. So with this random epiphany, it's time for me to go. But I took the time to compile this map pack of old and new maps (5 maps total), so I hope you enjoy any of these maps if it's in your interest. So here goes: Vertigo v2 Players: 4-8 Supported Gametypes: MLG TS, 5CTF, KOTH, 4p FFA Description: Vertigo is an inverse-symmetrical, vertical arena that is made for 2v2/4v4 Slayer and KOTH. Weapons: Vary by gametype, though slayer contains rockets on top and custom-OS down low. Download Vertigo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perplex Players: 4-8 Gametypes: MLG FFA Description: Perplex is a uniquely designed 4-base symmetrical map which, by its design, plays FFA very well as opposed to team gametypes. So this will be a nice map to warm up on. Weapons: Plasma grenades top mid, 2 health packs, 2 plasma pistols Download Perplex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Now for some new maps) Dissension Overused, terrible name. Don't remind me Players: 2, potentially 3-4 as well. Gametypes: 1v1, potentially 2v2 and small FFA's (Supported, but possibly bad spawns) Description: Dissension is a 1v1 built out of pure improvisation, mainly with the object use (Platform XL's / Walkway larges). The design isn't too unique, but a conventional 1v1. Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Camo (Not at Start), OS Download Dissension ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relapse Players: 2 Supported Gametypes: 1v1 (Disable Teams) Description: Relapse is a 1v1 map that has gone a long way with me. First of all, this is NOT my design. This was originally sketched by Wheezymoney. Sketchup: Spoiler I have asked him a long time ago for permission, but he didn't ever respond, so I went with it. I have forged this in halo 3 and again during the early era of Reach. However, those were heavily re-imagined. This time, I kept it as close to the original design as possible. Weapons: Grenade launcher, Custom-OS, Camo Download Relapse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and lastly Revelation Players: 2 Supported Gametypes: 1v1 (Disable Teams) Description: I figured this was the last map I would forge, so I needed a big inspiration. So I turned to Aerowalk from Quake. In turn, I managed to finish it, and I feel it was my greatest map I've forged. Asymmetric, Vertical, and Tele-Heavy. It was a fun forge, moving out of my comfort zone. I used to be all about flat, 2-base arenas as bad as zealot, but this right now is what experience and learning does for you. This map is nowhere near perfect, but I couldn't be happier about this map. Weapons: Grenade Launcher (58s), Camo (90s, NaS), OS (60s, NaS) Download Revelation A helpful note: The sender node frames are covered with 1x2 ramps that display the color you're heading to. In this case: bottom Orange -> mid Blue l bottom Red -> Red l mid orange -> top green l bottom blue -> top orange --------------------------------------------------------------------- As far as my going away story goes, I personally don't expect any of you to care and there's no problem with that. I never made a good impression on the forums; nor have I ever gotten a FHF for any kind of recognition. Despite that, I have received a promotion as an MLG fangirl But still I thought I would release my old maps that I have enjoyed as well as my new maps with new inspirations. So I really hope you guys decide to try one of these maps. You shouldn't be disappointed. As for those previously on my friend's list. Removing you guys was nothing personal, but you're more than welcome to take some cleaver shots at me. Sounds like a good time for you all. Regardless of what happens with me, I will sure as hell be back for Halo 4, and be back into forge. But for now, I have to see where life takes me
It sucks that your done with halo and it doesn't mean you don't get recognition just because you don't get a FHF personally I thought your maps where great, they where better than I could ever do. OT: these maps look amazing and I love your use of blocks. But the maps could use more aesthetics to get rid of the bland feel and I love how you have tried to get rid of most of the grey by building you map with grass and water nearby. Also I love the way you use your blocks by using the horizontally in between gaps and by keeping the inclines as on a slant when you use them as a wall instead of placing them flat. Overall this is a great map pack and I will give these a DL when I get the chance and I hope that you find quitting forge the right thing for you to do.
You will definitely be missed Bean. Definitely have improved a lot over the span of Reach, and my favorite map of yours was OBS, which is still on my hard drive, which is saying a lot considering I only keep maps I really really like (I have like 50ish total). Hope to see you around for Halo 4.
Idk what to say. I feel like a friend's list cleanout is unnecessary. There is nothing wrong with talking to people on XbL every now and then. Don't expect me to accept your request the next time you send it, my friends list is almost as exclusive as SaLoT's. Vertigo: Solid map with appealing forging. And hopefully two lifts to the top sides... Perplex: I am not much of a fan for symmetrical FFA maps, but this is one of the exceptions. Dissension: I feel like you have a few good ideas for the map, but not enough time spent testing it to iron it out... Relapse: Awesome 1v1 map. The simplistic layout makes it even ground for 1st timers, and the weapon/power up system keeps players moving. Revelation: Impressive forging and designing. This may be inspired by Aerowalk, but there are differences that show just how much you have learned about map design.
Out of all these, I have only played Revelation. Even though I got scraped by Xzamples (somewhere in the ballpark of 25-6), I still had a good time. The layout was complex, yet quickly learned. It's too bad you're done Forging, but this was a great map to go out on. Also, Relapse looks like an awesome and unique design that probably has some very distinct game-play. I'll be downloading that one for sure.
It's sad to see another forger go but were all looking forward to great things in halo 4 that second pic looks really interesting btw
I will realize sooner or later (in the summer) if I made a mistake clearing my friends list. My count is at about 12 lol. Hanging out with you guys was fun, but I spent more time with you guys than I did with IRL friends and family, which is pretty sad. Plus, it distracts me from my ambitions, such as getting in shape. For example, I vowed to myself to run every single day last summer, and I ran for two days, mostly because of my motivation to play Xbox. And regarding motivations, I was more controlled during Highschool (Soccer, track, etc) to where I would be able to do some meaningful things. In College, I'm more free, but I've just been lazy. Basically, putting off the temptation will make me bored enough to do other things, such as possibly getting more hours at work (I average about 10). I'm surely going to be on xbox playing either on my own or with a couple ppl I know, but not quite as much. Anyways, I probably won't send you a request. I pulled a SaLoT here and I'm sticking to it. And as for Vertigo, I didn't incorporate lifts still. But I included jetpacks to make it more exclusive. But thanks to you and the others in this thread for all the feedback and compliments. @bullettothehead: Thank you for the feedback. I understand about my aesthetics being lacking. I have never been a real aesthetic forger. My aesthetics come through the cleanliness of my forging. My favorite aesthetic map of mine is either vertigo or perplex. They both have emphasized clean forging and strong color for orientation.
Mm, I dont see it as a ending more of a going away for a while to work on some things in your life that are important to you. Any of use can understand that , I've done the same for the last few years, I've tried to keep myself in shape and work some things out in my life that have been bugging me. It's not easy but youll get to that point where you can juggle everything, and as far as Halo 4 it seems to be shaping up to be something fantastic, and I enjoy seeing 343 go out of there comfort zone to bring the game to the point of being the future inspiration for many other games like Halo CE was. Always felt bungie played it pretty close to the chest with each title, only changing a few things along the way atleast until Reach. Just enjoy life man, and take it a step at a time youll get back on your fit and meet your goals and I'm sure will all be around still, most of us just forge now and then and do our little daily life chores these days. As far the maps I really love the look you've went with, none of the aesthetics are overboard and it seems you have a great feel for map design. I remember vertigo for a long time ago, and it still stands up as a great design and I'm excited to play this new version you've posted. I honestly love what you've done with perplex even though I feel it needs more substance, I'm however a sucker for tunnels when there used right in maps and you've done that well here. As a fan of aerowalk and quake maps in general that are remade for reach I cant help but say my favorite is revelation. It does end up having that aerowalk feel yet you've not forced in pieces for the sake of making it look like aerowalk and you've really created your own monster with revelation you've come a long way in design and I honestly hope you do end up being around for Halo 4 forging . I wish you luck getting everything together, I know it couldnt of been a easy choice to stop playing for a bit until things are the way you think they should be.
First we lost Tyrant, now we lose you too? Oh come on dude, its not like playing a little Halo here and there and forging a map on occasion is going to be that big of a time sink. But if your mind is set in stone, then I suppose I've gotta respect that. Best of luck in your future endeavors and may the wind be at your back.
Says one of several guys in this thread (including myself) who basically live on XBL. I can't say I really blame anyone for wanting to distance themselves from this little hobby. If you're seriously into it, it actually becomes a HUGE time sink, inevitably. Between matchmaking, forging and customs, you start to feel like there aren't enough hours in the day... Back to topic though - I've played and liked a couple of these maps. I actually didn't realize they hadn't been released previously, but I'm glad you're getting them out now. You're a solid forger and will be missed.
dont be done with it just evolve it, ive started to make differant maps with differant gametypes which not many people have seen, anyway you maps a brilliant anyway so dont be done with it stick with it.
Firstly I would like to say that your maps look very nice especially Perplex which I will be downloading. The second thing is that I once did exactly what you have done, I deleted my friends and sold games because I was a bit depressed or just fed up of everything. I was going to work out and do loads of great things instead of xbox live, two weeks later I was back on but playing on my own with no friends )-; . You can still do important stuff but I would seriously think about what you're saying here. I am thirty years old and people take the piss when I tell them I play xbox but I enjoy it and would rather spend all night having a laugh than vomiting all over myself through excess alcohol consumption down the pub. Prioritize and do what you enjoy.
@Silentraine: I appreciate everything you just said in your post. @schnitzel: Well tyrant quit forge, I'm quitting xbox (with online friends anyway). I personally will still play some xbox, either Mw3 with my brother or halo reach / GoW3 with a good friend of mine, or else by myself. @Nutster/Lego: I appreciate both of your comments. What I'm attempting will be great for me if I pull it off. The entire idea sounds great in theory, but will possibly crash in a few moments. Despite that, I have decent motivations to work at it. @Robsters: I am just quitting forging and XBL interaction for a long time, but I will get back into it when I am at a good point in my life (doing well in terms of fitness, in a good checkpoint for college, possibly settled in my future appartment). It might be sooner (assuming I fail), but once I feel settled, I'll surely get back into xbox as well as Halo 4 + Forge. My mind of map design has been maturing throughout the halo reach era, so I actually can't even wait for it. @Xzample: I'm thinking about putting "Liter 'o' Asym" up for adoption if someone wants it. But would you want to fix that abomination??
I really liked Relapse. I'm not a big 1v1 fan, but the simplicity of the map really made it unique and engaging.
God damn it It's that broken asym: Ugly with depth vs beauty without depth. Though if it's too much of a lost cause, then there's no need to adopt it. You could do what I attempted and re-imagine it with your ideas to balance the sides. It's all up to you though. I just personally think I made a good run with it. @splatterman: Thanks man. That was my objective with Relapse, to keep the forge as much intact with the sketchup as possible. And the sketchup could not be simpler. Edit: 13 downloads in less than 24 hours, and it applies for each map. I seriously appreciate it guys giving each map a shot. I hope you are enjoying them; otherwise, thanks for downloading.
My whole opinion on fhf is sort of a popularity contest. It's a joke in a way but at the same time I strive to achieve it. It's all about who knows who and who they are willing to stick up for. Though aesthetics are great, gameplay beats all. And that's why I'd have to give a nom for some of these. But as for some of these, both aesthetics and layout are well in place. Great job.