here's a video i record recently were Shepard"lives" After the normady crash scene a bonus cenematic appears. The only known way to get this is if you import your Mass Effect 3 save, and beat the game again. Mass Effect 3 bonus ending - YouTube at the end Shepard breathes in.
Uh...That's the exact same scene I saw on my first playthough. So, I don't think that's a "special" ending.
you saw that on your first? OH, ok, so then I assume choosing to destroy the reapers will show that? :/ lol i though I was on too something.
and if you have 5000+ Military Strength (War Assets) Apparently. I think. I did both. I still didn't get the cutscene.
MASS EFFECT 4 Now we deal with the Krogans. More explosions. More guns. More dialogue. More crappy endings. More punching reporters! AMAZING. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan Yes? No? No? Okay... So anyways, I really hate how you can change your class after doing a new game+ I wanted to have my guy and be an adept. But that didn't happen, so I had to download a ME2 Adept save file. :/
This isn't about the endings, but there's not really another ME3 thread except the beta one. Anyway, it looked to me that the Cerberus Base was in the same spot it had always been in (in front of that enormous orange star), so why did Miranda have to put a tracking device on Kai Leng to find it when she had already been there herself? Or did I just miss something?
There were a few plot holes as the story got closer to the ending. There's also the strange appearance of all those cybernetics in the illusive man that weren't present just a mission before. It is assumed he had them done prior to Shepard returning to Earth for the final mission (as evident by one of the logs in the Cerberus base), and it didn't seem like he was in any why all of a sudden look like a husk? I get they wanted to depict he was increasingly being indoctrinated but I just thought that transition didn't sit right. (Also...I mean they just rehashed the whole Saren thing there. Saren wanted to "save" the galaxy by showing the reapers that organic life serves a useful purpose.)