Moving players en masse

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WhackyGordon, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    I have an idea for a map, but I want to move players from one area to another at the end of each round. My initial thought was to have teleporters spawn in at the beginning of each new round in an invasion gametype, but now I'm wondering if I can either:
    A) Spawn a teleporter with a large radius on top of players and forcibly teleport everyone to a receiver node
    B) Set spawn zones to only activate during a particular round of Assault, allowing me to respawn everyone where I want them

    As far as I know, it's not possible, but I'm not sure. Anybody got any ideas?
  2. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Both are possible to an extent, but you can only set the spawn time to a max of 180 seconds, which sort of negates the kind of thing you're attempting.

    Using the invasion game-type, you might be able to make some modifications that fit your needs. You should be able to set the spawn zones/ teles to be "invasion gates." and just have the rounds be assault or whatever you're going for. Unfortunately, this means having to use elites.
    #2 UnfrozenLynx, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  3. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    I'm not against having elites around. I just want to move the battlefield every time the objective is scored. If I were to use Invasion, my approach optimally would be to have teleporters with massive radii spawn teleporting everyone on the battlefield to a new area. I don't think that will work because I assume once one person is through, it will consider the teleporter blocked. And I don't think making it spawn on top of a group will necessarily teleport anyone.
    For assault, I was just hoping there was a way to maybe set the spawn order of the respawn zones to make them only activate during the corresponding round.

    Moving spawn zones in Invasion would be no problem, but then I would have to kill everybody to get them to the new area, and I don't think anybody would appreciate a random post-bomb hard kill appearing out of nowhere lol
  4. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    You can't make kill zones spawn in, i've tried. Best chance you got is a Teleporter. Make it off the ground so once one person gets tp'd they would fall and it wouldn't block the path.

    But i'm sure you can make a wide radius on the reciever and it would teleport everyone at the same time.
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    In theory it could work on say invasion, but that practically does what you want to do with new loadouts. It would only be a matter of placing anti spawns or timed teleporters.
    The problem with your idea is new rounds. New round resets everything to my knowledge .
  6. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Would the teleporters work? I mean if I spawned a teleporter with it's spawn order set to phase 2 and gave it a massive radius encompassing half of a map, I could theoretically teleport every player within that radius at once and dump them all out of a receiver node in the ceiling of where i want them? Because that would be perfect...
  7. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    You'd have to use atleast 4 teleporters. One set for red team and one set for blue team.
  8. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    You can make teleporters team specific? That's EVEN BETTER!! lmao
  9. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    No actually, you can't. It's all lies!
  10. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Srsly? Even the cake? The cake can't be a lie.. she promised...
  11. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, friend. It's heartbreaking, I know.
  12. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Yeah. Yeah you can.
  13. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    I literally just ran a test. Team-specific teleporters do not work. Want me to post the videos?
  14. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Naw, I got trolled :(
    Little googling cleared that up. I guess I'll just have to plug in a bunch of controllers and spend some time split-screen testing until I find a feasible method. I was just hoping somebody on here might have done something similar previously.

    Edited by merge:

    Did a little testing if anybody's interested. Got some quirky results. If anybody knows how to make a teleporter phase in properly I could use some help lol.
    So just for the sake of experimentation, I set up a tiny Invasion map comprised of three towers and the necessary objectives and spawns. It runs perfectly. I set up a sender node with a rectangular area that encompasses the first tower, and set it to 1 second spawn, not placed at start, spawn order 2, and labelled it inv_vehicle. Then I threw a receiver node in the second tower, saved it, and tried it out with a guest in customs.
    Here's where it gets weird. The teleporter appears to spawn and despawn every second, up until the objective is completed and then it stays spawned in constantly. I tried setting the receiver node up with a phase 2 spawn as well, but got the same effect.
    I ended up getting it to work by just spawning normal teleporters and blocking them with gated 4x4 talls, but this is really puzzling. If I set it to place the teleporter at start, it's there from the start. Period. If I set it to spawn after a duration, it strobes at that frequency, and if I set it to not place at start with a spawn time of never, no surprise (but I figured I'd check anyhow just to be safe) the teleporters never spawn at all.
    I tried using inv_weapon too, but it seems to be pretty much the same.

    tl;dr: WTF?!?!
    #14 WhackyGordon, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  15. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Pretty sure it works, don't do the team, do the color. I remember one time it was set to blue it and it wouldn't let me go through cause i was on the red team.
  16. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Team specific settings don't make a difference. Confirmed with both googling and first hand testing. If I could have got it working, I would have. I try everything.

    Edit: Well I tried that at least. If there's some obscure combination of settings that could produce that effect, I overlooked them, but I find that unlikely.

    Edited by merge:
    #16 WhackyGordon, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  17. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
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    Yes, its true, you cannot make teleporters team specific, and what you are trying to do I think isnt going to work, unless somehow you can make invasion gates somehow teleport people at the end of each round. Maybe labeling teleporters as gates? Idk...
  18. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    I used gated blocks to block the receiver nodes. That works. There's a big wall a couple posts up explaining it in graphic detail lol
  19. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Yeah, I tested it out today and it didn't work. I dunno what the hell was up with that teleporter then. Hrrmm..

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