____________OPERATION: REPOPULATE THE HALO 3 SERVERS____________ I had found this page on reddit, and then saw Greenskull's video (rube goldberg maker guy) it seems like it's going to get pretty loud. I loved halo 3 more than any other halo. Will anyone be there with me? Reddit Post: Halo 3 Server Repopulation Day. Just wanted to repost to get new potential players and remind people that it is coming up fast! : halo UPDATE The party will start at 3:00 GMT-4, and will end whenever the party dies. We are going to have to share our gametypes, as the blackout is here. Invite every friend, recent player etc... who has halo 3 and is online. If we dwindle down to 4 people, we will head into matchmaking. :/ Lets hope we can delay this for as long as possible. Hope to you guys there, Taco
No. Halo 3 was the worst title of the entire Halo franchise. NBNS Reach stomps on that god awful game. H:CE > H2 ~> NBNS HR >>>>>>>> H3.
I miss halo 3. Reach just doesnt have the same sense of enjoyment about it. Maybe we can get together and enjoy some customs on the best forgehub maps from halo 3 as a community on this date
Um.. that's your opinion. Halo 2 didn't have forge, and reach sucks as loadouts make the game more like call of duty. GTFO troll. Yeah, I still play halo 3, but not as often as I'd like.
Learn to read H3 kid. I said NBNS (no bloom, no sprint) Halo Reach is better than H3, which is true. Simply because the H3 BR is absolute garbage.
I understood. That does not change the fact that it is entirely your opinion. Learn to read kid. Let's hope we can get some publicity. We have some major halo 3 commentators showing up to play.
Why I love Halo 3? Customs, Campaign, and when you can actually find a decent ****ing map on this site. Maps look grey and disgusting. Halo 3, no stupid glass in my blocks, lights actually give color. I've had much more fun in Halo 3 and I like to keep it that way. Halo 2 had no bloom, overpowered BR. Halo CE is probably the most unbalanced of the four. Why hate on Halo 3?
Halo 3 had the lowest skill gap of the franchise and easiest to use utility weapon. The BR got nerfed so the bad kids could actually stand a chance. The H3 BR got nerfed into the Full Bloom DMR so that ever worse kids could stand a chance. Its the casualization of Halo, get it? Thankfully we've got an actual competitive game again with No-Bloom-No-Sprint Halo Reach.
1: You're trying to press opinions off as fact... just no... 2: It is pretty sad (IMO) how, with your logic, Reach, as a game, beats Halo 3 only when an insanely large set of traits, which are only found as a few options in only one playlist, are applied to cover up the ****-stain (IMO) that the other 99% of the game is.
Please find another thread to rant on, If you can't see that you are not wanted, and that you are being an ignorant prick, there is something seriously wrong with you. Just stop responding to him guys.
Well of course Vanilla Reach is a **** stain of a game. There's no debating that. But for a lot of us older gamers that have been with the franchise since H:CE, H3 was a **** stain of a game as well. At least Reach has settings that bring back the glory days of Halo. Case in point, check out the raving reviews from the MLG community about the event from this past weekend. Halo's back baby! Go have fun with your shitstain of a game, I've got real Halo again.
Insinuating that I was never there for the original games because I am too young? K, guy. Also, I find it most ironic that you state that Halo 3 had the lowest skill gap, but never got past rank 36... You realize that you mainly play derps until the late 40s, right? I won't deny that Halo 3 has much worse netcoding than Reach, which severely ****s with the BR, but it is still far more competitive than Reach, even if Reach does have one incredibly tiny haven of competitive play that still suffers from other problems such as the insanely huge hitboxes that make it impossible to miss a target.
I don't see the appeal to this. The worst part of Halo 3 was matchaking IMO. Maybe we can play customs?
The current MLG settings are pretty sweet. Halo 3 has plenty of it's own drawbacks, the worst of which for me is the netcode. Personally, I'd be more inclined to jump on board a "Bring MLG to the Masses" movement than a "Revive Halo 3" movement. I wouldn't mind seeing a population boom in MLG resulting in some improvements to other areas of Reach. Just because the game was born a pile of nerf doesn't mean it has to die that way. Oh, and before somebody flames me for my stats, I already know they're terrible.
You realize there's such thing as restart accounts right? Derp derp. I had 2 other accounts. Hit 42 on one, 41 on the other. Refused to boost in a To4. Ran customs with MLG tryhards more than I played MM towards the end of H3... Most of them were garbage 50s that boosted. I bet you boosted. Its harder to hit a headshot in reach with a 1 shot precision weapon that it was in H3 with your headshot sideswipes. Mmmkay? Boosting isn't only done by cheating the credit system... Having a solid To4 carry you is a way of boosting. You can hit a rank of 50 easily this way. The H3 ranking system is garbage. H2 was the last true indicator of skill.
Thanks for the info on the date. I love Halo 3! I have recently thought about trying to get some custom games going again. I will be on for this date to do some matchmaking. I am also down with getting some awesome custom games anytime! If anyone would like to play some custom games with me, hit me up! x DREAM 76 x Thanks.