Hey Forgehubbers, I know its been a while, and holy **** does this place look a lot prettier than it used to. I've come to give thanks to this community. Although video games haven't been taking up nearly as much time out of my daily schedule as they used to, I often cannot help but reminisce about the great times that I've had with the gaming community. When Halo 3 launched, I became glued. I skipped a whole week of school looking for a faster way to switch my Assault Rifle to that of the Battle variant so that four-shotting the **** out of somebody became a little more feasible. I spent hours on end exploring every nook and cranny in the campaign, hungering for every achievement that the game had to offer. But most of all, I spent the majority of my Halo 3 "career" right here, on this forum. To be completely honest, I was never a great forger, and I took much greater pride in testing, and playing, maps that others created. When I came across this website, I was immediately engrossed and all the maps that the game and its community had to offer were at my fingertips. I befriended many of you (hey Pegasi, BT, Insane, Xanon, you still around?), and I spent a solid fraction of a whole few years playing with you, and laughing with you. I laughed my ass off playing Orange Ducks and Smear the Pinky with you. They were times that truly became a highlight of my life. I became involved with this community to the point where I desired to give back, and I was appointed a Staff position as a Journalist, where I spent a few months writing sub-par articles, and yet again, becoming even more intertwined with the community. I ****ing loved you guys. Eventually, when Halo: Reach gasped its first breath, I sadly lost some of mine. It wasn't the same to me, and my passion dwindled. On top of that, some issues in my non-gaming life unearthed and I didn't have the time to be as involved as I was in the past. I relinquished my Staff position, and sat on the sidelines as I watched my involvement in the gaming community, and particularly that of Forgehub, fade away. But now, two years later, I look back at the times I've had with you guys, and I rejoice. I am so grateful to have spent my time with you guys, and they will forever be embedded in my memory. If my grandchildren would know what the **** I was talking about, I'd probably tell them about my experience here. So yeah, I thought I'd stop by and say this. I thought I'd stop by and say thanks. And game on, screw whats going on in your real life. Just game on. And take care of this community. Its ****ing awesome. Take care all, iRaynne
I wasn't even aware there was one being developed! **** yeah, I'll be purchasing Halo 4. I'm fairly confident that I'll be purchasing every Halo product for the rest of my life.
I'd like to say the same thing happened to me. That entire post is extremely relatable. I used to be so involved with Forgehub and would spend tons of time on here, but it all faded around the time reach launched. To me, it's not the same game at all, it changed things - not for better, not for worse but a change nonetheless. I too had lost intrest in the community and personal things took more time then they had when I was glued to Halo 3. Looking back though I had some great memories here, I remember when Shadow Viper and I had completely switched our sleep schedules to match Australia's timezone so we could play with Ivory Snake. I remember seeing The Dark Night in theaters and eagerly awaiting a time to discuss it on the forum and talk to Linubidix (Don't even know if I spelled that correctly anymore) Or all the times I'd post a map and wait for replies from everyone I knew. It was a great couple of years I had on this forum and I won't forget them. Even when I was an event staff and I took two months to post results from a contest.... even then I think? Nonetheless I won't forget this forum, I still post - very occasionally now as most of the forum are strangers to me, I don't even know half the staff anymore, people I've never herd of, although I applaud them as they're doing just what we did.
I'm still here, BT is a Mover and a Shaker, Insane and Shanon still lurk and you can often find the latter in the lolbox. You should definitely get H4, dude. And did you watch MLG Columbus this weekend? It was a truly incredible event, the crowd were just insane. MLG recently switched to No Bloom No Sprint settings, I think you'd like them. 2011 was a rough season, community interest seriously dropped with Reach, but the competition in the top 16 has still been awesome and it's actually a shame that the community really started to die down when there were so many great lineups forming all season. With people getting genuinely in to Halo again it can only get better.
I was never that involved in the community, just posted maps for a while then I generally stopped when Reach came around. I currently post in the forums and am pretty active. It's nice to see past members paying a visit. Sometimes I'll look at very old posts or click on random links (like your sig, iRaynne) and nostalgia will whack me, but besides that I don't care much for forgehub's past. I never got a map featured, never did anything too extraordinary, never made any hugely popular threads. I don't mean to take the defensive, but I enjoy where I am now and I think forgehub may have a spot for me for a while yet. If I find something else, well, that'd be a nice break from the old but until then, I don't mind chatting in the community forums.
I love you to. ;} wait I uh... Didn't mean it like that gaming is awsome no matter what your mom has to say about it. GAME ON!