Serpenthelm Creator: smm2010 Track Name: Serpenthelm Map Name: Forge World Gametypes Supported: Race, Battle Snipes, Battle Lasers Description: Serpenthelm is my latest and unfortunately my last racetrack in Reach. I wanted to shoot for a unique feature for my last track, so I implemented the feature from an early Reach racetrack called Faaip de Oaid, which was a split path; one path went up, the other went down and reconnected back to double wide. The map is centered around a small atomic core that has been abandoned for ages, which explains the reason for the occasional explosions you may hear during your session on this map. Battle Tracks sessions on this map are best with up to 12-16 players. I would like to thank the party for helping me test the map and make improvements. Gather up a big party and let the battle begin. Video Serpenthelm - by smm2010 - YouTube Download Here
I like the use of windows for a track, and the track itself looks smooth and balanced. I'll be sure to give this a DL.
I don't normally 'review' Race maps because, A. I'm not that good a racer, and B. The feedback really only boils to, "Fix this turn", or "Broken track". So why am I sitting here, typing this, on the Race threads? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do. I played this with a group of 6, including me, on regular Race and then assorted Battle Track variants. First thoughts; The very first split had me confused on which way to go, but then I remembered your inspiration and that you built the split there. No complaints, but I'm sure others were confused at the very first moment as well. The track was smooth and surprisingly very steep at certain turns, although none of us had much trouble with controlling on said turns. The explosions added nice immersion, and added to the overall feel of the 'story'(Quotes, because it's a racetrack, and it's not really built for story). I'm actually said to hear this will be your last racetrack, I for one enjoyed it, and I'm not one to enjoy racetracks. I normally end with, "I hope to see more form you", but I guess I'll have to go with, "I hope to see you again." - Nice job.
Wait what?? This track has no jump. What map are you talking about? Nice work as always man! You are the best race track maker in the world. I still can't believe you never got a feature at FH. It seems kind of strange? The track is super smooth and the part that splits into two single wide sections only to meet up to a double wide part is pure genius. To be honest the part with the rocks I felt was too close to the track. What I mean is you could have pulled the rocks back just a little bit. They seem like they are too far into the track and make that turn a bit narrow. I am sure it would probably just make the BT game play more intense though, especially if teams are close together on that turn. The aesthetics were perfect and so was the lighting. I am looking forward to getting a game of Battle Tracks on this bad boy. Nice job 4.7/5
A few others I was playing with were a bit confused with the beginning split as well, but most of them figured it out the next lap. I'll admit that area is not good for a first impression. If I ever happen to implement that feature into another track down the road (if I decide to make another one when I eventually have the time to), I'll be sure to not make it confusing next time. I'm glad you like the map! Thanks for the feedback. I intentionally made the rock bordered spiral like that. Believe it or not there were a few instances that two or three teams were battling it out in that area and the gameplay was intense. There are even a few protective lines of sight between the rocks and if you time your shots right you'll wipe out the team ahead of you. Glad you like the map! Thanks for the feedback, bro!
Very nice track as always. I like the split, and although it was simple, it added another layer of fun to the map. I actually liked how close the rocks are to that portion of the track because, even though it prevents me from hugging the inside of the track, it makes it more exciting as it feels like you are going faster and have a greater chance to hit something. Smooth turns and firm aesthetics put this track up there with some of the Reach greats. But what's this talk of "final track"? Didn't you just show me a new one two days ago? Liar, liar, pants on fire. I would never do something like that...