Hey guys today I'd like to show you guys my Half Pipe map. Before I get started their are a few little things that could be fixed but I think that it plays just fine. It's actually a whole lot of fun to just mess around on this if you have nobody online to play with or if you would rather just not play matchmaking at the very moment. Please take some time to check it out and let me know what you think. The Halo Reach Half Pipe - YouTube
This is a really good looking half-pipe. TAKE A GOOD LOOK FLAMINGO. YOU COULD LEARN A LOT FROM THIS GUY. Anyways, this looks pretty fun. I might have to play it sometime.
Still trying to land to land the trick in the video where you get out and flip it. Soon... Anyway, I liked the map, it's one of the simplest things I've ever seen here, but it's a fun map to just screw around on.