Forgers Unite || Looking for Reach Forgers

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Xino Ghost, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. Xino Ghost

    Xino Ghost Promethean

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    Hello forgehub members. I am looking for players to set up a team that will make maps that are both fun and competative as well as playing competative games. We will be called forgers unite and compete under the service tag of FxU, since we cannot use FU for... well simple reasons.

    This is a team recruitment and general work discussion topic. It will be used to promote our current works, draw in new members and also communicate our ideas. This is instead of us posting thread after thread of useless crap. Please do not flame the topic like a monosynaptic ameoba. :|

    Oh and this is just a basic start to this topic, I will get it snazzed' up with graphics, lists, videos and other features. I want to make Forgers Unite an inclusive communitty where everyone has a say.

    We are currently looking for a wide range of members, testers, and map and video editors at the moment. We are looking for medium to high skilled players and forgers, please be friendly and mature if you wish to help us in an on going project.

    We are now expanding to play competetive games and matchmaking as a highly skilled team as well. We are currently focusing on small-medium sized maps, but are looking for fan favorites.


    Please could you fill out the form that is located below before adding us on Live.

    Registration Form:

    What is your favorite Halo game?
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)?
    Favorite Gametype?
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements?
    Forging skill? 1-10
    Why do you want to join?

    Once you have completed this add us on Live.


    Launch has been stopped for now
    New map Iakou in Final Editing


    Active Team Leaders


    Join us by filling out the form and contacting us via xbox live


    Active Team Members

    Elite Warrior5


    Join our group

    #1 Xino Ghost, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2012
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo: Combat Evolved
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? Select (lols... The bridge one in MM)
    Favorite Gametype? Construct King MLG H3
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements? Map in MM, Feature at MLG, several FHF victories.
    Forging skill? 1-10 Over nine thousand.
    Gamertag: SecretSchnitzel
    Location: The Internet
    Age: 25
    Why do you want to join? I don't. This is silly.
  3. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo 3: ODST
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? None yet
    Favorite Gametype? Slayer, duh
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements?
    Forging skill? 1-10 7.5
    Gamertag: Elite Warrior5
    Location: Alabama
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join? Because I like filling out forms.
  4. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo 3
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? erm tbh i dont know i dont like to say my own work is good :/
    Favorite Gametype? infection, juggernaught and team slayer
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements? no not yet :/
    Forging skill? 1-10 like i said i dont like to say my own work is good but i would say about 7 if i had to
    Gamertag: SlashedTortoise
    Location: at home
    Age: 16 going on 17
    Why do you want to join? no one ever plays custom games etc anymore and i want friends on the xbox that do so i can play them more.
  5. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Lol :p thats the almost the Name of my Halo Forging clan. Mine is called United Forgers. the only problem with your Clan is that your Service tag will be FU i know this because my clan was originally Forgers United but the service tag wasnt allowed.
    I have a Question, would i be allowed to be in this clan even though i am in my clan(dont worry my clan is kinda frozen anyways at the moment)

    i guess if allowed i will give it a try.
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo:combat evolved
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? idk dont like to compliment my own work but if you want to see some of my stuff look in my sig.
    Favorite Gametype? slayer
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements?nope
    Forging skill? 1-10 infinity
    Location:ON Canada
    Age:turning 14 (dont hate that i am young i am not immature)
    Why do you want to join?no one forges or playes customes with me anymore plus i am bored at the moment -_-

  6. cody cero

    cody cero Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo 3
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? To be honest, I've only forged one "map" in Reach, It's called "Death-beam Spartan" (Gametype "Kill the" also in fileshare).
    Favorite Gametype? Haloball (action sack) because I am seeing potential mechanics that to be honest, I don't think people have even begun to realize their usefulness.
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements? None.
    Forging skill? 1-10 Experience wise I'd say a 1. Aesthetics wise, I'd say a 2. Mechanics wise I'd say a 8 or 9.
    Gamertag: CodyCero635
    Location: Florida
    Age: 19
    Why do you want to join? Because I have noticed a severe lack in play of custom games and forging and barely get to do either of those with my friends. Plus I am a programmer and seek out glitchy and other forms of mechanics.
    #6 cody cero, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  7. Xino Ghost

    Xino Ghost Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Thanks guys, I have just started a project for a team swat map. Would love to get it top quality.
  8. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Reach simply because of the expanded Forge.
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? : Halo Reach : File Details
    Link to the map on ForgeHub if you don't want to download it:
    Favorite Gametype? A tie between Halo 3's Rocket Rally, Mongoose Season, and Reach's Shotty Snipers.
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements? I guess I'm not sure what this means.
    Forging skill? (1-10) 5. I know a few tricks, but I'm not great with things like aesthetics and making smooth race maps. Symmetry and geometry are my areas of expertise.
    Gamertag: IAmLuke21393
    Location: Cedar Rapids, IA, US.
    Age: 19
    Why do you want to join? I'd like to become a better forger so I can produce maps for the ForgeHub community and for my LAN parties.
  9. Xino Ghost

    Xino Ghost Promethean

    Likes Received:
    I've sent you all friend requests, My current project is an 8v8/4v4 Slayer/Swat map. I need some testers ASAP. Anyone have any on going projects?
  10. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo 2, by far.

    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? My most downloaded one is Braille (halo 3) with over 30 thousand downloads I think but my best is still unreleased due to the lack of gametypes, I'd say.

    Favorite Gametype? MLG variants in halo 3.

    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements? Hmm. Bungie faves 3 times? Does that count. I won a few contests, was a part in 2 featured maps. I don't really know.

    Forging skill? 8, I know how to do anything, I know how to design for good LOS, balance, flow and all of the above but I don't like doing gametypes and I don't do aesthetic only maps.

    Gamertag: Whos Blaze

    Location: Bedroom. :p Pennsylvania

    Age: 20

    Why do you want to join? Just figured I'd give you my info since I'm no longer active on this site. Especially if anyone wants to finish up maps for colab credit. No use leaving them to waste right? Some of you might have fun with them.
    #10 Blaze, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  11. HomicidalWhales

    HomicidalWhales Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo 3

    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? Countries of Reach, because it has over 100 downloads! The design of Countries of Reach II is a whole LOT better, just a LOT better. Countries II most definitely has a better design of the bases, but I do like both very much. I can go on and on about Countries. It has so much history and has a lot in store for the future.

    Favorite Gametype? Rocket Race, Ghostbusters (Halo 3), and an "Elephant Spaceship" Infection game on Halo 3.

    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements? Beside the major Countries contributions and works, I did make a Halo 3 game about Splockets. It wasn't THAT big, but I played it frequently.

    Forging skill? 4–5 most likely. I'd like to join to get EXTREMELY better for Countries.

    Gamertag: HomicidalWhales

    Other Contacts: HomicidalWhales (YouTube),, Master Chief (Machinima Central), HomicidalWhales (Machinination)

    Location: Virginia, East Coast, US.

    Age: 15 (very MATURE and mostly QUIET)

    Why do you want to join? I would like to join to get better in Forging. I'm currently a Forger with experience, but I'm not an experienced Forger. ;) I'm doing this for my game Countries of Reach. Not only do I want to promote Countries by being actively involved in communities, but also build maps myself for machinimas I'll create in the future. I'm kinda young, but I'm very mature, respectful, considerate, honest, and I will listen if I'm collaborating with machinima directors or Forging partners. I take teamwork pretty seriously, and helping others out with their maps and machinimas seriously, too.

    If you accepted my application and gave me an interview, I could go on and on about Countries. Countries is basically a roleplaying game in Halo in which 4 teams would be pitted against each other, and one team would eventually rise above the others to become a World Power. Each teams can make alliances, too. "World peace" has actually occurred in the game, and it's pretty nice to let the game take its route when playing to see what occurs.

    My activity on this website is pretty low unless people would be discussing about Countries, so that's why I gave you lots of contacts.

    F3ARFUL NATURE Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game? Halo: Reach
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)? (Will get later when online)
    Favorite Gametype? Slayer/Snipes/Objective
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements? None I suppose not knowing what this means
    Forging skill? 1-10 Maybe a 5 or 6, I am pretty good with MLG map ideas but not the best with infection themed maps. I like sky maps too.
    Gamertag: F3ARFUL NATURE
    Location: New England
    Age: 15
    Why do you want to join? I want to join this team because I feel like I will learn other people's skills and tricks and I also want to meet new friends and hope to be able to join soon.
  13. Xino Ghost

    Xino Ghost Promethean

    Likes Received:
    New map: Launch - Testing stage.

    Credits so far:

    Bullet2thehead9 (Development)
    CodyCero635 (Glitches and Testing)

    Currently Looking for machinima and map preview editors.
  14. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    What is your favorite Halo game?: I would say Halo 2 for campaign but multiplayer, Halo 3.
    Your Best Forge(Place in fileshare)?: Probably Cardinal even though I never posted it.
    Favorite Gametype?: Fat boy :p
    Previous Forge-wise'Achivements?: Nah. I don't really care anyways. Just do it for fun.
    Forging skill? 1-10:Eh, a 7. I need improvement though.
    Gamertag: SugarJTSAids
    Location:Tampa, Florida
    Age: 17
    Why do you want to join?: Curiosity, mostly. I would also like to see ideas and thoughts from others. Maybe assist others in map building.
  15. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    BTW EVERYONE, dont forget to send Xino Ghost or me a message or a FR on live(i have (96 friends so i might not accept)

    Also if you would like to join our Forgehub Social group Forgers Unite click HERE
    #15 bullet2thehead9, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  16. Xino Ghost

    Xino Ghost Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Need testers for Launch

    Edited by merge:

    Need testers for Launch

    Edited by merge:

    Launch is the latest project that has been undertaken by Forgers Unite. So we have worked on this for little over 5 hours. The map is aimed towards presision infantry combat. The only vehicle on the map is a neutral shade turret (Not seen in the swat Gametype). We came up with the idea for this map because we have not seen any real maps built using the spire area of forgeworld.






    We are still in the testing stages for this map, and we are currently looking for testers.

    Weapons on map:

    (1x) Rocket Launcher
    (2x) Shotgun


    Xino Ghost

    Edited by merge:

    Looking for spawn specialists.
    #16 Xino Ghost, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  17. HomicidalWhales

    HomicidalWhales Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I wouldn't mind testing for the map. I'm pretty good with spawning so I can help with that. I remember I had a difficult time fixing spawns in my Countries game, but I've studied the ways of the spawning so I know what to use and how to use it.

    I can also get around maps pretty easily. I can try and find places you'll need to fix that could cause a problem with the game.

    By the way, thank you for sending me the friend request! :D
  18. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Xino, I could help you with spawns and help rearrange some of the objects to promote better gameplay.
  19. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    It would be great if you placed some spawns, I suck at spawn placement. I will get into a game with Xino Gohst as soon as possible and I will give you both invites.
  20. Xino Ghost

    Xino Ghost Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Oh guys, I'll be making a signature pack soon for the team.

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