Sanc CTF Instinct vs Classic, Pistola goes utterly clutch but then turns it in to the worst play he's ever made.
Amazing match. Incredible start of Classic, too bad Ola messed it up in the end. Would've been crazy if he managed to pull that off.
I clicked off the stream after Sanc cause I thought it was still best of 3, hella glad it wasn't. Game 3 was too tight, but game 4 on Pit was awesome. Protip for Classic: Don't spawn court.... EDIT: Dear God that was tense. Words cannot describe.
I've never really followed MLG too closely (or at all), but I'm going to give it a shot. I looked around for a bit, and found a team called Status Quo. I really don't feel like doing any reseach, so I guess I'll be following them. I'm excited to see how this goes.
Lol I just so happen to be in full Quo get up right now. They're a great team. I feel bad for Str8, Ambush are about to handle them so bad...
As someone who's been pro-sprint since forever and still loves 85% bloom in terms of MM, I have to agree. NBNS is definitely how this game should be played for real competition, and it's great to see such energy from the crowd and even players again. Hopefully this momentum carries forward through the season.