hello everyone, i am currently organising a play date on reach consisting of many differant maps and gametypes. if you would like to join in either leave you gamertag on here with the best day or days in the week for you and a link to a map and gametype (if required) of you faviourite map. we will also be beta testing 2 of my new maps and i will post on here the date when it is ready, i would have thought the date will be this comming saturday but i will confirm it within the week. also if you would like to join the community of 'Halo GoC' where i have also got a page on this. either sign up there or HERE and you might just get in, we will most probrably either do roatations (so if you get booted, nothin personal just so everyone gets a turn) or we will do it over 2 or 3 days depending on how succesfull this is. thanks alot, Slashed -Update- Okay the date is this Saturday the 30th I think and it will start at 7:00pm GB time and will finish when ever. Cheers a lot, Slashed. (PS. Get ready for ur head to get shot of ;P ) -UPDATE 2- okay the list atm of the player are: SlashedTortoise Sgt Caolan mini0013xx lordpyromon HomicidalWhales Teh Flood Maniacal23 bullet2thehead9 Elite Warrior5 erm not many i know :/ and we wont let this news about BVG disturb this we will plow ahead with it, if you guys have anyone that would like to join in then just whip there name down and i will add them to the list. thank you, Slashed.
Gametag: Elite Warrior5 Best Days: Weekdays Side Comment: Are you going to host it tonight? I would like to play these maps tonight if you are.
okay it depends if you live in america what time it is because im in the UK so it will be during the day time or evening/ afternoon and no it wont be tonight because i havent got enough people but these maps will be in the playdate i promise unless you guys dont want them to be
na sorry im waiting for the playdate sorry [br][/br]Edited by merge: Come on guys we need more players for the ultimate and if succesfull fairly common playdate event so join in and get playing