
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Noooooch, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By Noooooch​

    Description: A room based, inverse symmetrical map.
    Tags: Crypt, Noooooch

    Central Atrium

    Red Lobby / Red Flag

    Orange Room / GL Room

    Orange Room 2

    Power Weapon Set Up
    Sniper Rifle x 2 / 118s / 1 spare clip
    Grenade Launcher x 2 / 118s / 4 spare clips

    Other Notes: Map is not set up for neutral flag. Big thanks to everyone who helped test the map. You know who you are.
    #1 Noooooch, Mar 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  2. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    For all this time i was curious about what you were working on. But i kept to myself knowing that i would get in the way. I just have to say that i finally get to see what it is and it looks magnificent. You pulled off having a natural lower section without a flaw. And i have no doubt in my mind about the gameplay.
  3. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing on this. It played very well. I really like the rocket spawn and how the gameplay flowed throughout the map. Spawning was terrific. I always spawned in a safe room while having the pleasure of combat in the next. Keep up the good work :)
  4. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Brilliant Map Noooch. I have played this so many times during testing and I can tell you all that every incarnation has been better than the last- the one I played last night is the same as in the above post right??? I hope so, cos the spawning was working fine.

    Defo download, and good luck getting this into MM.
  5. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    nice to see this up, the map looks great and i'l be able to give you more feedback when i play it.
  6. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This looks great Noooch, glad to see it’s released. I like the little aesthetic touches here and there, but they seem a bit inconsistent in the sense that you have some side corridors with almost no decoration. It keeps with the rustic crypt theme but I feel like you could have elaborated on some areas without fear of frame rate. I like the “coffin” pieces if that’s what they're meant to be. The design also has a clever rotational symmetry I haven't seen done well in a while. One little thing I noticed is that I felt like the grenade launcher ammo was a little too high, especially for a map like this where I imagine it does really well. The map has great connectivity and the rooms seem to be just open enough to deter camping. Good work on this one, hopefully we can play it in tcoj sometime.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Noooooch, this is the kind of map I just love. It's close quarters, but there are also quite a significant amount of longer sightlines too, I really enjoyed playing this. The added ramps in that water pit i the side rooms are nice and I appreciate the weapon changes over the rockets. I found no issues with the map when I played here and Im sure it plays even better. I cant find anything as of now I don't like. Excellent job, looking forward to your next map.
  8. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    V 1.1 Update
    1. Minor spawn adjustments*
    2. Grenade Launcher ammo reduced to 2 spare clips
    3. Weapon adjustments, More DMR's added

    Spawning should be even better now. Safer, and a little more variety.

    Thanks for participating Sanchez. The lobby's have been great recently with the new Team Slayer/Arena task. The map's been through extensive changes, and I'm glad you enjoy the map.

    I was really going for object efficiency as much as I was aesthetics. My frame rate is seamless the way it is, in both single and split screen, so I'm happy with it. Yeah some of the corridors are pretty gray, but I think it helps with orientation a bit, the coliseum walls mark the red and blue edges of the map.

    I didn't actually intend them to be coffins, just LoS blockers. But you know what, now they are coffins.*

    You were right about the GL's. Dropped the ammo down to 2 spare clips.

    The ramp worked out great. I ended up using less objects, and it functions better than the spire that was there. The rockets are still there though, and the GL's been nerfed...
    #8 Noooooch, Mar 8, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2012
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well now I feel dumb. I could have sworn you took it out for some reason. Oh well. In that case my one gripe is that you do have rockets. Im just not a fan of them on maps smaller than BTB's. Personal thing though, if they play well and others like them then great!
  10. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    V 1.2 Update
    1. Added Platform XL's to each room to aide orientation
    2. Edited inconsistent DMR timers
    3. Minor spawn adjutments

    The rockets were removed in an earlier version and replaced with a neutral GL like you suggested. I wanted a little more boom, and switched it back. Toned the GL's down a bit and it feels right now.

    Edited by merge:

    V 1.3 and 1.4 Update
    1. Increased weak zone volume
    2. Minor spawn adjustments
    3. Moved GL's to the floor level
    4. Added KotH gametype

    Edited by merge:

    V 1.5 Update
    1. Fixed unlabeled KotH hills
    2. Minor weapon placement adjutments
    3. Minor spawn adjustments
    #10 Noooooch, Mar 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2012
  11. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I could have sworn that I commented on this already. My bad...

    Had some good games on this. I did feel like the map promoted players to stay along the perimeter, which made it play kind of slow, unless someone had the balls (or lack of brains) to enter the center. In exchange for the slowish gameplay was a solid spawn system on the map. I don't recall having one bad spawn.

    I have never played hill on this map, but I feel that it could be the strongest gametype if you set it up right.

    All in all, a solid map that would be a great addition to MM.
  12. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    This is a fantastic map and is so different from anything else I've seen from you It's clear you put a ton of work into the map.

    I still question the center and think breaking up the sightlines would help the map, but in the end it's your map and I'm glad you've gotten it to where you want it. Hopefully all your hard work pays off :)

    Here's the video I uploaded of us playing the map. I still laugh at the no scope shots I miss before making the difficult one lol

    Halo Reach Forges: Crypt by Noooooch - YouTube
  13. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    I thought I already commented on this as well, but I guess that was in the TCOJ recap. I really enjoy the hell out of this map, and even though the most common critique of the map is the vacant middle area, I find myself using it quite often to set up a flank or catch players off-guard. Sure, it could use some kind of structure hanging from the ceiling that blocks some of the LoS around that area (like Zealot's top-mid, except with room to jump up from bottom mid), but I don't think it is a necessity.

    Symmetrical room-based maps are a rarity and you've certainly succeeded in creating a very enjoyable design with some nice competitive play. This definitely deserves its FHF and sticky.

    Edit: Accidently to end my statement about top-mid.
    #13 UnfrozenLynx, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  14. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the praise and comments everyone. I'm glad people enjoy the map.

    A lot of people have been suggesting to add cover to the middle room, but I'm gonna stand my ground on this one and keep it as is for a few reasons.

    Number one being I wanted to stray away from 'top mid' control. The green and gold rooms were designed to favor the team that spawn closest to it. Green favors blue team, and gold favors red team, though the opposing team may still contest the other if the work their way through the other rooms.

    The second reason being simply that red and blue room are very close to each other. You can sprint from one to the other. Red and blue are closer to each other than green and gold are, sort of. Adding cover would encourage sprinting to the other team's room.

    Again, thanks for feedback everyone. A lot of feedback has been applied to Crypt, so don't think I'm ignoring you guys, by keeping mid room the same.
  15. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Simply VERY VERY ****ing playable and just lets you get on with the game at hand. Enjoyed every game thoroughly no matter what gametype it was, and hope to be playing this in a month or so in MM.

    Also I'm in the vid above!!! yay
  16. Wraith2098

    Wraith2098 Forerunner
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    I really like this map, Noooooch. It has a very solid flowing design and all of the rooms blend together nicely. It does take a while to get used to the orientation of the map, but due to the simple shape you begin to figure out where the call outs are pretty easily. I remember when you had the map sitting on a grey floor and bringing it down to the natural terrain floor was an excellent change. The map has that much more character which is needed on such a uniform design and it really helps you understand where you are on the map.

    The gameplay is what really gives this map an edge for me. The flow and design of the map create a fast paced room to room combat with long range and cqc blending together very nicely. I've been in just as many cqc fights as I have long range fights and I find myself constantly having to look behind me. Just the other night I got assassinated twice from not paying attention to what was going on around me, fun stuff!

    Great job on the map, Noooooch. I'd love to see this in MM!

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