Create an Armor Ability

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cookies4you, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    My Armor Ability?
    - The ability to go into guilty spark in a game for 5 seconds and spawn whatever you desire in that timeperiod.

    Items that you cannot spawn include Anything in the wall-ish section. Yeah, no wall colliseums on The Cage, boys, and no other Armor Abilities.

    *hopes 343 reads my post and implements it in-game!*
  2. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Effect: Change the player into the other team color or opposite race (for Invasion/I.Slayer, etc.) If there are multiple teams, the cloaking device changes to the team with the most kills/points. If there are no teams, Colorcloak cannot be selected.*
    *If game is Juggernaut or Infection, the device changes color to nearest player of the opposite force (Juggernaut's team, Infected)

    Mechanics: Diverts energy into the suits ability to copy colors from other force, and also diverts energy to hack into the enemy network to change their status to ally. (Like Sollid Snake in MGS4)*
    If shields go down to none and must be recharged, the armor goes back to the original color.

    Counters: Can be used for as long as shields do not go down to zero. Once that happens, it can not be recharged. You move at 75% speed. If you jump, the colorcloak will flicker, exposing your true identity for about 5 seconds.

    Also, if you look on the scoreboard, the name will still be on the true team. :)
    Probably the most creative I've heard :)
    #102 Carter1234, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
  3. bulletproof169

    bulletproof169 Forerunner

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    Pushback: Create a force that pushes any enemies right in front of you away. It does no damage, but could be used in battle situations to prevent melee attacks such as swords or hammers. It only has one use before recharge and will only affect enemy players that are fairly close to you. However, this could be used to distance your opponent if you have a medium to long range weapon and want space to use it. You could also use it to push enemies off ledges if the opportunity came. While it may not seem to have a lot of uses, if you got the timing down it could be a very helpful tool in fights to catch an opponent off guard and throw off their aim.
    Effect: Uses the suits shield system to shoot a concentrated wave out in front of the Spartan.
    Counters/Cons: Obviously, if the enemy is not attempting to melee you then they can take that time to shoot at you. It is really only beneficial against close range opponents, but would really help to get rid of campers that wait around corners with swords, shotguns, etc. Also it doesn't work behind you so you can still get assassinated or beat down.
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think this could be quite effective if there's a half second delay or something. If it were to push enemies off ledges and stuff, it'd need to do a fractional amount of damage to ensure you get the kill for pushing the enemy off a cliff etc...

    It'd also be a nice way to return grenades and stuff if timed correctly. It'd have some good uses other than just pushing melee enemies away.

    Biggest flaw with this is simply that the players won't have icons above their head. I don't really pay attention to colours or names. If there isn't a big blue arrow pointing above their head, they get shot.

    Shoot first, ponder whether they're allied forces later.
    #104 Stevo, Apr 17, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
  5. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    It would only need to be within 10 or 20 meters or it would be too overpowered.
  6. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I just want one that can disrupt other AAs. That would be awesome. Say...


    When in use (3-8 seconds?), disallows players on the enemy team from using or recharging AAs within a 10m or so radius. Takes 30 or so seconds to regenerate, regenerates slowly rather than all at once like Evade or Sprint. The counter? I don't really have an AA on my own. Fight me on even ground or stay at range if you want to use your AA.

    I'd love it to stop sprinting pummlers cold and armor lock abuse. Watching jetpackers fall to their death would be funny as well; Uncaged needs less of them anyway. Though I guess that might be a little OP...
  7. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    I knew I was forgetting something to add.. You're right, I'll edit that in, would not make a lot of sense if they had the color and everything but did not have the arrow. I guess the explanation for that would be that the suit diverts power to hack into enemy systems.
  8. Foxire

    Foxire Promethean

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    I did have an idea for one but i forgot it. So i made this one up.

    Name: Fake - This is a weird ability, this ability makes it look as if you were killed, instead a hologram of your body is made and you are set in Active Camo for 15 seconds.

    Mechanics: Energy from your suit creates a hologram of yourself in dead position; left over energy is fused to create Active Camo that will last 15 seconds. After wards, the hologram and your Active Camo will dissipate.

    Counters: A shot into the hologram will make it fade; allowing people to know you are using Fake. Active Camo has the same effects in Fake, allowing you to be seen while moving and jamming the radar. Fake uses up a whole charge and take up 120 seconds to recharge.

    How does that sound? This might need an edit or two, but I think you get the main idea of this ability.
  9. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    By any chance are you a Dead Ringer Spy in TF2?
    I think it sounds a bit OP, but I could see fun customs with it. Personally that sort of thing in TF2 annoys me, and doubt it would be any better for Halo...but in minigames or social stuff I can see it being entertaining.

    Also, an ability that just lets your Spartan dance for a couple of seconds would be fantastic, and I'd seriously consider using it since I really don't like any of the AAs in Halo 4 anyway.
  10. Foxire

    Foxire Promethean

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    I see, yes the idea (sort of) came for TF2. The Idea was to try to trick your enemy into thinking your death while you still have a chance to sneak about. This was not an idea from TF2 altogether, the main reason was from playing Halo Reach's Lone Wolf. It hit me while i was playing that it would be funny if all the dead people there were just using fake and were watching me as i fail 20 seconds in. So i thought, hey maybe if this was a real ability, who knows how the game play could be changed, it would make you think twice before thinking its safe near a dead body, gives you and idea of like a zombie. Like it looks dead, but when you step over it, it bites into your leg and now your a zombie too. Now that i think of it, it would really conjure up a new idea of Infection with that. But if you don't like it, that's just you. Maybe somebody out there may think this is a great idea. This might induce a new kind of hate towards players can can find ways to use this the worst way. But that would also mean you can update the amour ability to a better version.
  11. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I'm not trying to insult your idea by any means, but I think that using that ability would seriously slow down gameplay in a 4v4 and make for a lot of situations in which a player deserving of a kill brings the person's shields down only to have them drop a corpse on the 4th shot or 5th if it's a bodyshot or miss and let the person losing escape. If you can think of a mechanism to prevent this without ruining the point of the AA, I would be more open to something like it. As I see it, it would create more of that "I deserved the kill and he got away" rage we see from people in regards to Armor Lock. Once again, if you can get around that somehow I'd be more inclined to accept it.

    I guess one solution could be the camo only lasts 5 seconds or so for a quick getaway, but even seems the ability will always allow the loser of an engagement a very good chance of escaping. Maybe it would be slightly better suited to BTB, but I still don't think the effect it has on gameplay would work well in Halo-style multiplayer. That's just me, at least.
  12. Foxire

    Foxire Promethean

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    OK, i see the error in that, my intention was that you would use it as not as a get away before death but instead as a trick, here would be an example.
    *There is a 2 vs 2 match going on, there is team red vs team blue. Red 1 runs out and gets shot down by Blue 2 who started with a sniper. Red 2 then decides to run out and use Fake before a shot could be fired. Blue 2 thinks that Blue 1 shot Red 2. But Blue 1 is still trying to find the way outside. Red 2 then runs in and gets to assassinate Blue 1 (if lucky).*

    I guess i didn't see it as that way, but i can only think of one way to fix it, the way you said it. That is to make it that you can't use it while being shot. This would make sure you can't get that "rage" from not getting a kill.

    Hows that?
  13. Behemoth

    Behemoth The Man With No Face
    Senior Member

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    All I see with "FAKE" is people activating it in mid air, hurtling their bodies toward their enemies, scaring the living **** out of them.
  14. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    This is interesting.
    Teleportation: You can teleport to any spot within sight and within 25 meters.
    Mechanics: The ability, when used, locks onto a user-designated coordinate, then quickly transports the Spartan as a molecular wave. (Similar to the chocolate in the tv trick from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
    Counters: Can only be used in a 25 meter radius, so no cross-map teleports, also, you can't lock onto something behind an object. (no teleporting behind a wall.) Only one use and a full minute recharge.
  15. ArmadillosTHFC

    ArmadillosTHFC Promethean

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    Specialist: Increases damage dealt by weapons and slows ammunition usage by 10%
    : Specialist increases the damage dealt by the users weaponry by 25% for a period of 10 seconds. During this time period, the users Aim and Reload times are decreased by 30%. Specialist cannot be deactivated until it expires. Specialist also decreases the amount of ammunition expended by 10%.
    : During its activation period, the excess power given off from the users armour enables the enemy to detect the user, even when not moving/firing.
    Shield strength is reduced to 50% whilst Specialist is in use. due to power constraints, the radar and health displays are removed when specialist is online
  16. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    If it hasn't already been suggested, teleportation would be really cool.
    It'd be a movement ability, obviously.
    To make it slightly less overpowered, there'd be a 2-second delay between when you activate it and when you actually teleport, and when you come out of it and when you can actually start moving around again.
    Or shields could go down temporarily. I dunno... Just a thought.
    It could be useful in combat if you've got a teammate (not in cover) and two enemies (with cover) in front of you to kind of get them untrenched.

    Edit: Targeting would be similar to the target locator with the ability to press a button and teleport through walls.

    Yeah, nevermind, pretty much exactly what this person said, minus the inability to teleport through walls.
    Sorry for taking your idea.
    #116 iamluke21393, Apr 23, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2012
  17. itsNOTa2mur

    itsNOTa2mur Ancient
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    Grenade Aim Assist: a HUD implementation to help plan where your grenade goes.

    Mechanics: When activated a HUD display comes up showing you where your grenade will go based on where your crosshair is aimed.

    Counters: You have to stand still to use it and there is a slight delay coming out of it, making you prone to attacks.
  18. Foxire

    Foxire Promethean

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    Now that i can see working somewhat well, it just depends on where you use it. I can agree with this, since i hate it it when i throw my greande and it bounces the wrong way and it blow me or my friend up :(. I wonder if that would work with a greande laucher to?

    Edited by merge:

    Thats funny, and a great way to use the abilty, even thou if they see you falling down they know the body is a fake and start shooting, but other then that i could see someone scream , "HOLY CRAP" and watch it disapear as a friend comes to aid him to what he saw. Make him think he is crazy and all.
    #118 Foxire, Apr 30, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2012

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