Very, very nice. I do feel like the edging of her lips needs to be darker, though. Keep up the good work. I know everyone says that a lot, but seriously, I mean it.
Define the nose a bit more and fix the fingers. I can't really piece it together, but I think the thumb is too big and the rest have a "bone" look to them. Maybe try to get them to meet somewhere in the middle as far as thickness? \ EDIT: And the ears seem a bit small as well.
Yeah I like this one. The only thing that bothers me is her philtrum is a tad dark and kinda needs to be rounded more.
Biggest complaint here is her fingers. Look like spider legs. Otherwise, her eyes are very dark and the rest of her face isn't... I'm not sure if this is to put emphasis on them or what, but I personally would've darkened her lips and nose a bit. That or lightened up on her eyes. The rest looks nice
Much much better than the previous sketch you posted. The eyes are a bit off, but they're still good. I would like it much better if the nose and lips had more definition, though. The seam between her lips is very awkward looking at the moment because of the lack of definition in the rest of her lips. Also, I know you're focusing on her face here, but the hand needs a touch-up; it's quite out of proportion. Overall, much better than your previous post.
proportion. try this: when you draw, even from a photo, but it works better drawing from life, hold out your pencil at arms length and close one eye. position your thumb on the pencil like so: use this technique to measure the proper distances and angles between things, it seems dumb but it actually helps a lot. besides that, try to think more about value. the original photo is very contrasty, but the drawing is not at all.