
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xdemption, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Search file browser tag "Imago" for download

    Welcome forgehub to one of my most recent creations from the AllSpark team! After making so many maps and seeing each and every little thing that goes on during gameplay, I knew that to get a map in matchmaking once and for all I had to do constant testing. This map has seen so much testing and so many various players from Semi-pro coaches to community leaders and dedicated forgers who have strong ethics in map knowledge. Each with various comments on what could be changed and what needed to be added but above all comments from my team leader and team-members I have valued the most.

    The design is inspired by several maps, some past maps I did as well as some maps that we currently see on the MLG playlist. The aesthetic design however has been of my own making, I was inspired to do a more circular design and tried to avoid doing boxed-natured rooms. So I decided to have small circular inclines as part of the theme for the map, I had also created a wall that curved outwards at top gold for more originality. Almost all rocks have been placed strategically for movement, as well as additions done to cover since last testing session.

    Although the map may seem large, 4v4 is fast-paced with various line of sight while still having comfortable positioning in spawning conditions. The power position people traditionally like to utilize is top Gold (orange balcony), mostly because of the lines of sight that connect it to the rest of the map. On the other hand, all the weapons are scattered elsewhere away from the position making it easy to break the position because of movement and access. Top green is where the rockets a located but directly under the rockets is green tunnel which is considered the safe room, but with safety comes a price. Green tunnel can become prone to grenade traps and with rockets directly above it can be quite uncomfrotable inside green tunnel. The towers in each base could also be considered a power position, but being so dangerously close to rockets and a flank jump from behind make it a hard pressed position to hold and can be vulnerable to sneak attack from either side.

    This map features all symmetric gametypes and is also reccomended with MLG settings for a more desirable game. The weapon list as follows:

    4 x DMR (Default setting)
    3 x Needle rifle (Default setting)
    4 x frag grenades (60 secs)
    2 x Plasma grenades (60 secs)
    4 x Health packs (Default setting)
    2 x Plasma pistols (90 secs)
    2 x Sniper rifles (1 clip at 120 secs)
    1 x Grenade Launcher (100 secs at 2 clips)
    1 x Rocket launcher (0 clip at 180)

    Layout is easy to learn while at the same time difficult to master, key to winning a match is calling out and using teamwork to control the avenues of the map. In that regard it is literally impossible to control the whole map from one position without teamwork. So here is an overview of the layout:


    Red initial spawn
    Blue initial spawn
    Red team sniper
    Blue team sniper
    Red tower
    Blue tower
    Red corner
    Blue corner
    Top green (rocket spawn)
    Top gold (Health pack spawn)
    Bottom gold (GL spawn)
    Red courtyard
    Blue courtyard
    Camera loadout (Green tunnel, health pack and needle rifle location)

    I would like to thank, Mt ragemore, Roug3, Noooch, A Haunted Army, Remember Isao, Zxample, Agentpapercraft, Secretschintzel, Coach energy (although he isn't a FH member), Xaudienceofone (yes you were there for the concept testing), xDTx kaos (I think) and 30 different people that I did testing with and recieved feedback. I cannot thank you enough for all you guys helping me test the map, my only hope is that this approves for matchmaking, I have done thorough FR tests under 2 player splitscreen with no FR drops under my observation. Given the amount of time spent on this map, I would be proud to say it is my best piece of work. Thank you and enjoy.
    #1 xdemption, Mar 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2012
  2. Blaq Cloud1

    Blaq Cloud1 Promethean

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    I'm liking this map, redemption. I liked it when you gave me the forge tour. Hope to run a game or two on it. This map will most definitely be given the opportunity to be looked at by the right people.
    #2 Blaq Cloud1, Mar 21, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2012
  3. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    The wall colosseums are pretty common in this map. But you incorporated the aesthetics so well, they dont really seem to bug me. Anyways the map looks solid and the use of fighting space and structure is very well formed. Love the curved buildings. Unique layout also. Great job :)
  4. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    when it comes to the collusiem walls, it came down to piece density for framerate considerations. Although I didn't ignore the fact of how grey it was, so I added various color indicators to even out the grey. The curved design also helped reduce the greyness of the design, where the aesthetics are more structural than color. but even then I have many color indicators throughout the map as a bonus in a way. Given that the map has no framerate I am pretty happy of how the map is, terms of gameplay and aesthetics. Thanks guys, I will be doing a gameplay run tonight hopefully just to get a final general idea of how the map operates. Your comments are much appreciated.
  5. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I have to say redemption this is really a beautiful design, I love how you implemented the curvature to the map to break up the box feel. I'm honestly loving that you were able to make it look so natural and work so well for the map, I've worked on a project over a year that I havent released because I feel the curves could be cleaner. So to me thats really impressive that youve created a map that has good size and creativity and done it cleanly.

    The colliseum wall flooring is understandable, and honestly the grass helps them look more natural and fit the design. This ends up being one of your most conservative maps in my opinion, compared to something like hellbent :) and I honestly think you've done found your stride and you seem to have a natural feel for true MLG style maps and aesthetics. In the end this seems to be a brilliant design you've released and one that will stay on my harddrive, hopefully once Halo 4 comes around we will be given more curve and circuluar style pieces.

    If you'd like some help with testing runs tonight I'd be happy to join in on the fun, GT: SilentRaine, its been a while since I've found MLG enjoyable so I'd like to try this out :).
  6. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    I've already spoken to you about this map a bit, but I figured I'd throw a post up to help promote it. I'm a little surprised to see this posted already; I don't know how much you've tested it already, but I only just saw it a couple days ago. Game-play is good though and that's what matters. I found multi-flag to be the best game-type. KoTH was hard to enjoy because we had one less player and generally got butt-raped the whole game.

    I really like the object use and feel of the map. You managed to build in the Quarry without it being completely obvious; so many 2-bases are built there and almost all of them do nothing to dispel the notion that you are in the Quarry. You've done a nice job of standing out here. However, I feel that the location is also what holds the map back from being original. There is only so much space in the Quarry that you can utilize unless you build off the edge (which it looks like you did do). Even then, the maps are always going to be the same length, which reminds you of where you are. I suppose only a forger might notice something like that, though.

    Imago is a solid map when it comes to game-play, I won't deny you that. I think it plays the best out of all your 4v4 maps so far. However, layout wise it feels like every other 2-base built in this location, even though the craftsmanship and architecture do a good job of trying to hide this. You've got your bases on each side with gold and green bases on either side that grant you slightly more elevation and a few better LoS. Your power weapon set, while standard, is effective and balanced. 2-shot rockets was a smart move for a map of this size. Again, Imago is a good map that suffers not from bad game-play, but from a slightly disappointing, standard layout. Your other maps I've seen have been much more original in this regard. I did, however, find the curved hallways near the cliff-edge to be fookin' sweet and original. You always find a way to incorporate those circular ramp smalls into interesting areas and vary up the usual 90s and 45s. I almost feel like this is what your other map (can't remember the was built on the Canyon's beach and had a bunch of ramp circular smalls on it) tried to be, but wasn't.

    Another slight issue I've had with the map are the rocks that get you up to top green from the courtyards. Depending on your approach angle they can be a pain to jump up on in a heated situation. I think you should try making it so can walk up them without the need to jump or just make it easier to make the jump from every angle, but this is just a personal recommendation and by no means necessary.

    Great job, man. Cheers.
    #6 UnfrozenLynx, Mar 21, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  7. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks lynx, I apprieciate your feedback on this map and believe it or not that map you mentioned was the prototype for this map. You will notice in my fileshare that it is a version 2, because the first version was not actually released. I'll definately agree with you in the regard of how the layout is, as I've said this map took some inspiration from the maps we currently see on the MLG playlist, Oasis, the pit, and a bit of midship. I wanted to keep the layout simple in that regard to be more user friendly to cater to gameplay flow. But I wanted the Aesthetics to be original, in which you complimented me on.

    I realized making complex layouts do not always work out well in regards to gameplay. Do not get me wrong, I do appreciate seeing a good layout that functions well under gameplay conditions. It was the audience I was trying to cater to as a whole, gameplay was my focus and has turned out quite well. Let this map be a stepping stone for future maps to come, allowing me to make more complex, gameplay friendly maps.
  8. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
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    Courtyards seem to cluttered, other than that nice forging. you have my download.
  9. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have to agree with Nighthaque here. The more simplistic a map is, the lesser chance that it will break. This map follows that formula. It's simplicity is the reason for the solid gameplay, but it is also the same reason it plays very similar to many 2 base designs. This map felt like a more simplistic Pit, with less depth, less control points, less height variation, and less options.

    This map may play better than anything else in your portfolio, but I prefer playing on some of your other maps because they offer much more unique gameplay. There are some people who prefer simplistic maps, but I am not one of them.

    I'm not going to go into depth with the forging, but I will say it is clean and appealing.
  10. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    Map looks Beautiful! im really diggin those bases in the 6th and 7th pictures. forging looks clean and asthetics look top notch, great map dude.
  11. Cavitated

    Cavitated Promethean

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    I don't know if you noticed and if so i'm sorry, but in orange, the walling of the hall that leads to bottom orange isn't symmetrical. The Ramps are flip differently than the other ramps. Thought i'd drop in and tell you since I just flew around it in forge. Really nice map btw.
  12. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    meh, something so small and insignificant, I'm not surprised in myself that I overlooked it. As for the lesser control points, I would say the control points are more easily contested which keeps the gameplay interesting instead of people camping in one spot for the whole game which the pit effectively did. As I said before, it is almost impossible to hold one position alone, where teamwork comes into factor and you have to control the map's avenues otherwise those positions can be broken.

    I am a kind of forger where if I create a power position, I make sure I make it possible to break it. Unlike top mid of reflection where there are only 3 ways up in such narrow halls, these maps become unbearable to play on because of the lack of movement and the advantages that they have on a map.

    Respectively, I believe it is a good thing you say that zxamples, it leads me to believe that no power position is too powerful. While I agree with you it is better to play on more unique maps in terms of layout, giving more diverse gameplay. But all in the same I still had fun as the rest of the testers I played with did. For the future, this map can be used as a reference for consistant gameplay and flow, a stepping-stone if it were. Thank you for the feedback, I will hope to get a more diverse design in the future.
  13. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No power position is too powerful, if it has enough weaknesses to make it counter-able.
  14. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is looking pretty cool. I like the size of it. I havent seen many people use the entire quarry with that much artificial geometry built in it without being raped by framerate. It looks like a pretty solid layout. Imago download it and check it out in person, lol.
  15. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have released an MLG version of imago after some minor tweaking and weapon spawn adjustment. All power weapons have the appropriate times with drop spawning in effect. Here is the link to the MLG version on my fileshare: : Halo Reach : File Details
  16. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We it's even better in real life than it is in the pics. I would love to get some games on it. You can add me on live if you want. This is a great layout and it definitely looks mm material so I wouldn't be surprised to see this in a playlist at some point.
  17. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    So as I have said, there is nothing new about this map, but it's one of my favorite 2 base maps I have seen. This design for a map has been done countless times, often successfully and that is because if the creator has any idea what he/she is doing it will be at least okay. redemption, you have clearly shown you can take this simple, often used design and make it your own and not to mention fairly pretty.

    There were some minor spawning issues in the one game we played, though I suspect that was more due to Reach's spawning rather than your own. I never saw any particularly bad spawns either, only a few questionable ones.

    Also, there is a cylindrical structure that does a good job of breaking up the map and separating the two sides adjacent to red/blue (green and gold I think?). However there were times where I would aimlessly walk and encounter hardly anybody. The map was divided up so well that at times I found it hard to find a foe to shoot in the face. It was never a huge issue, but with my preference to very fast paced matches this was at times dull. I don't think you should change this map, but it's something to point out.

    All-in-all, Imago is a pretty and well functioning map that breaks no boundaries or tries anything new, but rather puts a fresh coat of paint on an old and proven design. You did well here, and I hope to see you try new things now that you have done this classic design. Maybe dabble in some 1v1 or try a BTB that has no vehicles. I dont know, but I think while it's nice to revisit classic designs or update them, innovation and progress are more needed. Looking forward to what's next, and as always feel free to invite me to testing and the like.
  18. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Took me long enough to get around to this. You got a good, functioning competitive map here that isn't square and also incoporates some nat geo. It's a little different from a normal two base design, so that's good.

    You had some spawning issues at first, like everone does, and in recent games it has improved, although spawning at top gold is questionable. Not sure if you kept your stacked weak zones or not, but it seems to be weighted evenly.

    I think the Snipe's in a bad spot. It's behind the base and I don't think there are any spawn points facing the Sniper, so you have to watch the timer and know it's there if you want it. I prefer power weapons to be placed in front of spawn points, rather than behind them. I also think the Rockets should be moved from top green(?) to bottom green, to encourage movement on the ground floor, and then add a couple stickies or a plasma pistol in it's absence.

    It'd be cool if there were more subtle height distribution between the ground floor and the surrounding structures.

    Imago's good, but you can do better. Your other designs are promising and I wanna see you buckle down and punch out a solid 8 player map, rather than jumping back forth between your multiple maps.
  19. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I had forgotten about snipe spawn and I never saw the others. Now, if Noooooch is right about where rockets are and that there are no power weapons or anything desirable like it on ground floor (and I dont doubt him), then I would suggest the same. Come to think of it I never really was on the grass, and when I jumped down to get a better shot at someone I went right back up.
  20. R0UG3

    R0UG3 Ancient
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    Whilst the layout of this map is fairly simplistic all in all I think this is a very good map. The gameplay from what I have seen is solid and the aesthetics are excellent. The Pit is one of my favourite maps from Halo3 and I think you have done a good job emulating many of the design aspects that made that map so good whilst still making the design your own. The power positions, on this map, seem well balanced such that team work and map control are the emphasised as opposed to individual pownage. However I am in agreement with Noooooch in regards to the weapon placements in particular the sniper. May be leaning against the sideof the towers next to the rocks just in front of the base spawns... Just an idea. Also I would still like to see some subtle height variation around top gold similar to what we have already discussed but that is just my preference. Any way great map + I would like to play some of the other game types on this map sometime in the near future.

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