
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Phoxnex45, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Phoxnex45

    Phoxnex45 Forerunner

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    This abandoned Extraction Facility is heavily used and guarded by UNSC.
    It is core to thier military movements and production.
    The Extraction Facility's Core will provide records of the UNSC's movements and production.
    Take the Scrapping Yard for an assaulting point.
    They will send reinforcements once you begin the assualt so it's a retrieval mission only.
    Conquer the Distribution Dishes to gain control of the Air Distribution Pad.
    Then retrieve the core and bring it to the Air Distribution Pad for extraction.

    1st phase is foot combat
    2nd phase is primarily vehicular combat
    3rd phase is a combination of phase 1 and 2

    Good Luck

    Extraction Facility

    Scrapped Cave(phase 1 elite spawn)

    Scrapping Yard(phase 1 spartan spawn)

    Scrapping Yard Border Controls(phase 1 objectives)

    Overview of Scrapping Yard

    Conquered Scrapping Yard(phase 2 and 3 elite spawn)

    Distribution Dishes(phase 2 objectives)

    Facility Yards(phase 2 and 3 spartan spawn)

    Facility Extraction Pipeline

    Inner Facility Core(phase 3 objective core)

    Facility Transportation Underpass

    Air Distribution Pad(phase 3 objective capture point)

    Overview of Scrapping Yard and Extraction Facility

    download if you like and of course
    constructive criticism is always helpful
    #1 Phoxnex45, Mar 20, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  2. Crimson Phoenix

    Crimson Phoenix Forerunner

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    this map seems kinda cool, i dig the entrance into the defending teams base, also the attacking teams bases are very simplistic in design, i like them, but if you could fancy it up a bit with more design it would be awesome beyond belief! Overall its ok
  3. Phoxnex45

    Phoxnex45 Forerunner

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    i did have it alittle more decorative but i had to delete some of it because i forgot to place vehicles :/

    Edited by merge:

    and the majority of my resources (building blocks, bridges and platforms, inclines, and doors, walls, and windows) all went into the facility
    #3 Phoxnex45, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  4. DaWorsePlyrHere

    DaWorsePlyrHere Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I actually love where you chose to place this. Not very many people even use that second part of the canyon. (its abandoned almost as bad as the cave area which is truly hard to build in.. I digress) The only comment I guess is that the first objective is indeed close to both of the bases. Have you thought about (Im going to tie the randomness together) maybe pushing that wall back so that the covys have to travel a lil further to that first building cause if not it kinda seems to be a camp fest. If not that then use objects other than pre made buildings to save the budget and you can change up some more LOS with a few "naturals". I do understand that the first phase is supposed to be concentrated on foot soldiering the fight. It just seems a lil cramped for invasion. Disclaimer: I only got a 4v4 on here.
  5. Phoxnex45

    Phoxnex45 Forerunner

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    i was actually already thinking that i just was waiting for someone to mention it if they thought it would be an issue

    ill most likely go about half way into the cave for the elite spawn then move the objectives to the immediate cave exit and leave the spartan spawn where it is does that sound good?
  6. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    I don't know how much money you have left, but for asthetic puposes, you could place a Falcon on the pad as the last phase and mark it as the objective? Or maybe not, can't get into the Falcon with the core. Just leave your extraction point and put a Falcon on it?
  7. Phoxnex45

    Phoxnex45 Forerunner

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    the landing pad is an attacker point (elite) i dont think that would be very good for game play

    also i have 0 money left

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