Hi guys. My new obsession is the idea of making a mid-sized or small map with a detached machine gun turret as a semi-power weapon. With some help from Paints, I learned the following yesterday: 1. If you trigger an explosion on a turret, it detaches and can be picked up. 2. The detached turret gun doesn't trigger a despawn timer - in other words, it's quite different from drop-spawned weapons, vehicles, scenery, toys, etc. It will detach and then sit there indefinitely unless you pick it up and drop it; doing that triggers a normal despawn timer (I think 30-40 seconds). 3. The detached turret gun doesn't count as a turret any more. Thus, if you set the respawn time on the turret to 1 second and drop a fusion coil on it, it immediately respawns even though the pieces of the first turret are sitting right there. A single turret/fusion coil mechanism will quickly create a little pile of turret guns. 4. The base is a separate object that causes some issues. It will sit there or bounce around... it can get in the way of the respawning turret and junk up that area... basically it makes a mess. Things I still am curious about but haven't tested yet: 1. Will a detached turret gun pass through a one-way shield? I'm not sure if the game treats it like a vehicle or a weapon. 2. Does the base of the turret despawn automatically after detaching, unlike the gun? I think that it does but need to confirm. What I am thinking is that an automatically respawning detached turret will be problematic since the turret guns never disappear, but a vending machine sort of thing that dispenses turrets on demand (using probably a landmine button, or triggered by throwing a grenade into a hole) might work. The biggest issue there is how to keep it from clogging up with turret parts, and also how to get the gun out while keeping the base in, if possible. Anybody interested in this little project, chime in.
Or instead of having some complicated system, you could have it aiming at a wall where its pointless to sit on, so you have to rip it off. :|
Eh, most of my maps have three or four thousand in budget remaining anyway. Really I just like the idea of having this one weird gimmick on a map that people would remember and ask about. Worst case scenario: I end up making a very annoying detached-turret-based minigame.
That reminds me, you need to help me build the falcon-riding speedpile map. It's gonna be awesome! I also thought a warthog or wraith-surfing variant could be entertaining.
Ya we have build that soon! A few months ago I had an idea similar to that. Except you need to carry golf balls or dice on your hog to a goal. But I couldn't get it to work.
One problem to this, if it is for competitive gameplay. Spoiler NO ONE WOULD PICK IT UP. Even in the case of it being overpower in placement, lack of other weapons or anything else, it would never get used in a competitive map. So you would have to make it a mini game or something.
Despoilered: Why? Turrets can be extremely nasty in the right circumstances. I don't go out of my way to pick them up but if someone carries one for me into the ring or objective area on Asylum, I'll sometimes grab it there and use it to rack up a few kills on people who aren't expecting it. On a fairly small corridor- or room-based map it could be very useful, although you wouldn't usually want to lug it around until it was empty.
I've experimented with turrets for the purpose of a mini game. A cool thing that I found was that bottomless clips actually apply to detached turrets. I didn't make it though because I could have more than four UNSC turrets.
This would be pretty cool if you could get it to work. Are the plasma turrets less of a mess than the human ones? I imagine it's probably the same, but I've always felt the plasma turret was better anyways. Is it me, or are its kill times faster?
what about this you phase the turret somewhere you know by putting it on top of a block then deleting the block then have it spawn inside a killball im not sure if that would detach it or not maybe you could find a way to stop the base from falling but you would only be able to do that on a mini game map instead of a actuall map because the killball and whole mechanic would probly look weird.