Terrorium is an asymmetrical map designed primarily for team slayer and one-sided objective games (1-flag, 1-bomb and territories). It supports all standard competitive gametypes. The design was influenced vaguely by two Halo 3 favorites for one-sided games: High Ground and Last Resort. As you'd expect based on that description, the map mixes natural geometry with man-made structures. The setting is an enclosed park - shady and relaxing except when the bullets are flying. Weapons and equipment - Rockets (1 spare clip, 3 minute respawn) - Sniper (1 spare clip, 2 minute respawn) - Sword (2 minute respawn) - Grenade launcher (3 spare clips, 2 minute respawn) - Focus rifle - 3 health stations - 2 needle rifles - 1 needler - 1 plasma pistol - Assorted DMRs, nades Video Terrorium (Halo: Reach map) - YouTube Screenshots Thanks Everybody involved in TCOJ, especially the guys who help run it: GrenadeGorilla8 and Overdoziz, but not forgetting the rest of you: X2Sora, CyborgAnthro, Juanez Sanchez, FunkStopsHere, UnfrozenLynx (nighthaque), Psychoduck, DUCK NG, xAudienceofone, Zaharias, and SecretSchnitzel. Thanks also to other people who helped me test the various versions of this map: SaltyKoalaBear, Blood Gulch 7 (4shot), frank1nbeanz, purely fat, BuBBa BMXer, Noooooch, DRAGOON ENTITY, ThrowinSomeBows, Cheeeeeeeeze, KITTY girl x, and probably others (I'm not ungrateful, just forgetful).
As soon as i saw this thread name i randomly thought "...by Nutduster" But onto the serious side, this map looks like it would be a lot of fun. Not to mention that the aesthetics looks quite good too. I will try to get a game on it so i will get back to you on the gameplay but good job!
I like the odd use of pieces. like the use of corner 4x4 to cut your 90degree large walkway to make it look like the large walkway is two different pieces. plus the centre building itself is very unique I'll definitely download it. also how do you pronounce it 'terror'-'eum' ?
Cool story bro. But it needs MOAR INTERLOKZ! BUT SERIUSLAH. This is by far the best forged 1 flag map I have played. Every game was intense and usually ended with very close scores. Epic struggles. Submit this to the library yesterday!
this looks really nice only thing i saw is that the sniper is right next to the blue obj while the focous frifle is next to the reds some people might consider this an unfair advantage to either red or blue team depending on who you ask. the map looks very balanced other than that though correct me if im wrong though.
It's a made up word so nobody will jump down your throat if you pronounce it "wrong." But I have been saying it like a variation on the source word, terrarium (which is pronounced ter-AIR-e-um). So, ter-OR-e-um. How about today instead? (It's in there.) Edited by merge: If you ever played High Ground in Halo 3 you'll probably remember that blue team (who spawned on the beach) had the map's most potent weapon, the sniper, plus a slight jump on the rockets. This is designed similarly. Red team has more cover and elevation, and are a tiny bit closer to the center tower from their initial spawn; thus the sniper is given to blue and is critical for them to contest/control the middle. (The rockets, unlike the tower above them, are exactly equidistant from both initial spawns.) Fundamentally, the map isn't "balanced" in the sense of both teams having equal weapon sets, but I tried to give them weapons that will make one-sided objective games (this map's bread and butter) into relatively even affairs. In many, many tests, almost all 1-flag games have ended in a score of 1-0 or 2-1 - that's what I was hoping for. For team slayer, spawning is simply made dynamic, so after the initial battle is over teams should be on equal footing the rest of the way.
Im almost sad to see this is finished- as I really loved testing this with you. I cant say this map has gone far from it's original version- as it really has not seemed to change much. Which is a great thing I think- the fact you were able to make what you wanted to so well right off- then perfect it as you have. This might be my favorite map of your so far- though I did really love Boiling Point this takes the cake. I have been trying for a design similar to some of this for a while and you managed to pull it off magnificently. much envy. Terrorium is a nice map that plays magnificently and I would recommend it to everyone and anyone who likes Halo. 1 flag was brilliant here and while you have closed off some access routes one can still jump down from them and there is by no means a lack of pathways. The natural geogrophy is used very well along with your rock use, which gives this map more color than most too, which while it's not a big deal- is nice to see. I am slightly dissapointed the jetpack and camo were done away with- as I loved using camo and the jetpack was a nice aid for the attackers. However Im sure you have your reasons and the deduction will certainly not make the game any worse. Great job, and I hope you have something great planed next- because otherwise TCOJ will be much less enjoyable. I often would wait in excitement for this to come up to play. You have taken that from me. Jerk.
Beautiful map. Great to see a map that isn't just a bunch of rooms connected by hallways. You did a great job with the greenery. I can tell that the natural aspect of this map is purpose driven and not just a bunch of random rocks. Great job Nutduster, always enjoy your maps. I'll definitely download this one.
Damn. OK, here's the same video minus the song - hopefully there's no problem with this one, unless a record company comes after me for using that punch sound effect in the beginning. Terrorium (Halo: Reach map) - No audio - YouTube
Ok, so this is FHF material? Well I can see that it doesn't take much to make a working outdoor arena map. The simplicity of this map is what makes it so popular. I mean, there's no theme, no same pieces used, really random pieces used. But the actual geometry of the map is what makes it work. if you were going for gameplay, great job, if you were going for looks, unfortunately, it's a bit random. But that's on a more personal note. Anyway, Good job balancing weapons for red and blue side, and congrats on FHF.
1. The theme is an indoor park. Trees, rocks and a stream surrounded by a walkway and a few structures, all of it walled in. It's not a visually strong theme because I needed to make the map large and have it perform well, but the map did have a concept behind it. 2. Even just looking at the screenshots, you should be able to tell that 90% of the map is made with these objects: platform XXL, large walkway, 4x4 block, 4x4 corner, 2x2 ramp, 1x4 block, 2x2 flat, coliseum wall, brace large, and various rocks. I only used other objects when absolutely necessary. In any event, I do care about aesthetics, but the gameplay and performance mean far more to me than that. 3. I've played dozens of "simple" maps using natural geometry, and many of them played randomly, with weird and awkward LOS problems or too much of a "go wherever you want" feel to them. The area used for this map was carefully chosen for a reason, and I used every rock available to shape it into something that played exactly the way I want. The paths through center are key to the map; so are the "towers" that break up the walkway on both sides so you can't just freely traverse around the entire exterior. If you run around on this for a few minutes you will realize that the center area forces you through several designed chokepoints. I didn't just box up a random area of Forge World and call it a day.
My apologies, I haven't tested it. Just merely stating that these days, to get the structures made for good gameplay, it usually takes a matter of using different objects. Which is completely understandable. I don't even know what it is that bothers me about ceilings/floors with different piece usage and looks. Example: flooring changes from 4x4 flat w/ glass to a grey 4x4 corner, then the flooring changes again, as i walk going from 2x2 flats w/ glass that are very colorful down into the clean looking ramps. Looking at the pics again, you actually did use alot of same pieces but rather the transition from grey to blue glass is throwing me off. It's a good thing you have lots of amazing naturals with it though, cause natural surface always looks good. And youve done an excellent job adjusting your rocks and terrain to give the right theme. (which I now understand, is an enclosed park) [br][/br]Edited by merge: BTW: your gameplay video is awesome. Looks like u tested the **** out of it
No worries, Paints - hope you get the chance to play it some time. You're right that sometimes the transitions introduce a little unfortunate visual incoherence. One thing that I find impossible with the forge palette is building the kind of structures I visualize in my head and having them all look right. Narrow catwalks and ramps are particularly impossible - they really only give you 2x2 flats or walls (which I can't stand the sight of), or 3x1/5x1 flats, which have hideous textures. It's a huge nuisance to build a map with these kinds of parts. I tried to just repeat the 2x2 flat motif and use it on the central tower as well, but admittedly if I could make a gray walkway with a flat equivalent to a 2x4 block, I definitely would. Don't really like the ramp bridges either, but the only alternative there is a regular bridge, which either consumes too many objects (from using small pieces) or causes framerate drops (the bridge L and XL). Oh Bungie, why do you tie my hands behind my back? Thanks, that's quite true. I think I finished the first build in January or so and we've been testing it ever since, with three major revisions along the way. The video only showcases the last week of tests on the finished build, but my regular group can attest that I've made them play this over... and over... and over. I'm consistently inconsistent, does that count for anything?
Some clean 2x2 surfaces to try on the walkway: bridge medium upside down, or brace larges, with the shitty parts hidden behind the coli walls, and the clean part spanning out making the walkways. Idk, maybe I should just try this stuff on my own.lol,probably starting to annoy you. Downloading, might get back to you on this. And yes bungie leaves you with your hands tied sometimes, but you just gotta sit there and try to get out of it, for hours, in forge. Lol. Ttyl nutduster
I probably haven't played this recently enough to know what updates the map has recieved, but I'll throw in my 2 cents from what I remember. Generally, the map plays pretty well in slayer, but is clearly designed with 1-sided objectives in mind. I always though an evade AA on the map would be awesome since it would give you the advantage of being able to make it up those 1-way drop downs on either side. The way you've implemented this into the natural terrain is fantastic; all of your structures feel very well integrated and you hardly noticed where you are on FW. I certainly don't have the balls to use natural terrain to this extent, so props to you. I know there's nothing you can do about the teleporters and their function is necessary, but they are kind of abusable. It's unfortunate that the terrain go in the way here since a tunnel would have been much better. Wish I could give more detailed feedback, but I really haven't played this map more than a few times (and at least twice we played infection- gross). I would enjoy seeing something like this in MM.
I actually had a jetpack pick-up on blue side for just that purpose, but I removed it after hearing 343 hates armor abilities and power-ups. They are apparently really restrictive about letting you play with the many toys they gave us. (Naturally this will all be for naught when the map fails to make it into matchmaking - but I gotta try...) Thanks sir. This is the first map I've released with this much natural terrain, and I'm not sure I'll ever do another, as much of a pain as this was sometimes. But I do like how it worked out. Still hoping for any kind of terrain editing, even very rudimentary, in H4. Yeah, that huge natural rock pile got in my way. I'd prefer a tunnel as well. On balance though, the teleporters are in such an out-of-the-way place that abuse of them hasn't been an issue in any game I've run on it; they have entirely been used for what I intended them for - running objectives, or quickly getting away from the blue initial spawn area. I could see problems arising in something like team oddball, but that's not really the best game for this map. Hot potato, perhaps.
ND, this map is a lot of fun and I'm glad to see the finished product. Games like one flag are really close, low scoring games. I like the aesthetic of the map even if the pallet isn't perfectly consistent (but what map is?). I can also corroborate that the teleporters have never caused any problems in any of the gametypes I have played on this map. I enjoyed the outdoor experience on this map and it certainly makes me want to reattempt an outdoor high ground style map.
Thanks Cyborg. Thought I would post this - Forge Hub poster Mr. Pokephile has started a series of YouTube videos featuring maps he finds here, and he selected Terrorium to be one of the first. Community Creations Ep. 2 Terrorium (Custom Halo:Reach Map) HD - YouTube (For the record, the map name is supposed to be pronounced Ter-OR-e-um. That's what I get for making up words!)