Helms Deep

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by oX Arson Xo, May 20, 2008.

  1. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    Ok ive seen allot of Helms deep remakes but ive never liked any of them (no offence to the people that have made them) so i decided to make my own (obviously :p) and ive spent a hell of a long time making this, il keep it short though i dont like reading essays ether. Also my friend Weepb deserves some credit for keeping me company most of the time =]

    I used the Interlocking glitch, the Geo glitch and for some parts the money glitch. It supports Assault, Territories and One Flag, here are some screens....


    I used the Geo glitch to make these boxes look like rocks, i didnt want to make the bad guys spawn look like another base and completely ruin the atmosphere and feel of the map. The attackers spawn inside those small rooms that have shield doors protecting the entrences to avoid them getting spawn killed. you can also see the canon-mans in the air, every 20 seconds fusion coils spawn over them which launches them into the base (so basicaly a catapult)

    Here is the wall, and you can see two of the defender spawns at the back, they dont have shield doors in the pictures but they do in the actual map, i also placed a few wall-corners to look like tents for some cover down there. also you can see the Fuel coils flying thrue the air.

    On top of the inner wall, in the door way to the left is another set of spawns for the defenders. as short as it looks there is plenty of room to stand dont worry :p

    Here is one of the rooms that the defenders spawn.

    Here is inside the gate wall and you can see the top of the inner wall aswell.

    so yea please leave me a comment and tell me what you think =], also can you guys leave a comment on the Bungie published forums so it keeps getting bumped :)

    here is the download link --->

    Helms Deep Land Grab --->

    Helms Deep Assault --->

    Helms Deep One Flag --->
    #1 oX Arson Xo, May 20, 2008
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  2. T3CH N9NE

    T3CH N9NE Ancient
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    Im pretty sure he fixed the code, the pictures work fine for me. Anyway, this map looks great! And youre right, there have been many versions of "Helm's Deep" but none on this caliber. Your interlocking and geo merging techniques are pristine, and this map looks like it has great gameplay. I will definitely dl and give you further feedback after a thorough play test. Great job man, keep up the good work!
  3. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    looks like a great map, best helms deep yet
  4. DeathDriver86

    DeathDriver86 Ancient
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    I think we all get it- pics aren't up yet. Stop saying it.

    This is very similar to a Helms Deep I played before, so it was easy to get into.
  5. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Though I can't see it I will download as I love the epic gameplay made by castle maps.
  6. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    sorry about the screens :S il fix them asap
    and to the above poster you wont find this on anyone elses fileshare and if you do i can show you the date and time of my map anyway to prove that i made this map.
    il be uploading quite a few more maps soon (im working on a Midship remake, the screenshots are in my profiles SS if you want to look)

    anyway thanks for the feedback guys :) if there are any problems with the map let me now.

    EDIT: fixed the screens :)
    i tried to post this map about 2 months ago, i made a huge essay for it and had a few pictures and for some reason when i posted it said i was logged out and i dont think the post came up. got pretty pissed off after that and just left it, then i sent away my 360 because i had the graphics glitch (cant see coulers) and just lost track of Halo.

    also here are some screens of the midship map im making, im about 40% done and im not sure if i have enough parts to completely wall it off.


    #6 oX Arson Xo, May 20, 2008
    Last edited: May 20, 2008
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    THe map looks awesome. Although I have seen another remake of Helm's Deep this one looks way more smoother. Although the other one made it so that the attackers can actually get on the main wall of the "stronghold" by putting bridges up against barely enough so that the attackers can walk up them and get on the wall. They were suppose to resemble the ladders used in the LOTRs movies. I also cant really see what's in the inside of it. Can we get a few pics of it plz.

    Senior Member

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    The pics are working fine for me. Some impressive interlocking and merging going on, well done.
  9. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    yea i know the map your talking about, but the problem is that if i wanted to do that id have to make the main wall higher (atleast 2 boxes tall) which in turn would have to make the gate higher and the wall behind that higher, which is impossible because as you can see the inner wall (the tallest one) is touching the roof as it is and is nearly on the roof barrier too. also there was the problem that if the gate wall was higher you couldnt see over it if you were on top of the inner wall making it useless.
    il upload a few more pictures of the inside now =]
  10. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    not very orignal but looks good. U should try to find away to make a breakable wall
  11. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    i like the asthetics and it looks like it would be a pretty good map to play on as well. great job
  12. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I like how you interlocked the wall with the top and bottom boxes, i like that a lot. To be honest I am looking more forward to the midship remake, lol.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
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    Sweet map
    it rivals the original Helm's
  14. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    Thanks for the support guys =]
    thanks, il be spending allot of time on it tomorow. i got pretty pissed at it because i done about an hour or two of work on it and instead of starting a new round i ended the game (dont ask me how but its happened allot of times before...)
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Looks like a great re-creation of Helms Deep, good interlocking and a real attention to detail which is very important when building well known structures. A balance between adapting the structure for gameplay purposes whilst remaining true to the original with the limited array of materials is key, and you seem to have done very well in that respect. A destroyable section of the wall would be nice, but its only a detail and the level as a whole is great.

    ILANDTOWER Ancient
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    looks good but the outside double box area is a little blank
  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    THis looks pretty good but the use of boxes in the large open area looks really weak, like they've been placed ramdonly
  18. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    lol yea that was the point, i wanted them to seem like rocks

    thanks =], im thinking about making a section of the wall out of crates. Then il put like 4-6 fusion coils about 20-25 feet or so away from the wall so the team has to roll them up to the wall themselvs and detonate it.
    it wouldnt be easy for them to do it but the reward would be worth the risk.
  19. duff himself

    duff himself Ancient
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    This looks very nice. I have a helms deep on my console that wasn't very fun and I think Im gonna try yours out. Its tough finding people that wanna play it tho... so if you get a game by any chance one day send me an invite!

    The one thing I see missing compared to that other version is that it had a wraith locked down to kinda add a siege element to the map. It was a little change of pace. I'm not saying your map needs it but its something to think about if your ever wanna change this up. Your catapult system is neat but I dunno how much damage it would do. I really wanna see that in action.

    I'm curious about the weapons and spawns on this map but from the pictures it looks great. I'll download and come back if there are any issues. Nice job!
  20. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    I played this yesterday and it is now one of my firm favourites, it looks grat and the gameplay is truly memorable. Well done sir.

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