Never late. This is always open. Bring in other people if you can! Well, i think that a group of forerunners could have left the galaxy, but i dont really think that they will be the enemy, although i do think that the precursors might come back, since it is clear that they were BANISHED to another dimension. Thats why the cyclops is in the new multiplayer map... although i think that its a special Mark model... the one seen in Halo Legends. I believe that we will be able to somehow get in it, use it. What we do know is that space is returning, and hopefully multiplayer space battles!
Would you like to be able to mod the elephant? Imagine that you can decide where to place some turrets? or maybe if you want to clear space so you can fit in a warthog? WADDAYADINK?
I think it would cool to play with a hornet and a elephant again. Those are the two UNSC vehicles that I would love to have again
The hornet in MM was terrible. The Elephant I can see if they make a map large enough and work as some sort of spawn station. But unlike 3, I would not put a flag or bomb plant location in the Elephant itself, just as a driving device to deliver vehicles, players, and spawns.
Actually the hornet was kinda good... with the missiles and all... Anyway. Weve just been informed that the DMR AND the BR will be in Halo 4, so... that kinda gives some hope to returning weapons and vehicles. I was wondering, what if it was ONE gun, and you can change it to shoot the way you want? And (since this thread is about vehicles) what vehicles would you like to be able to do that? Maybe two tipes of hornets? one more like a falcon? or the different types of warthogs? i would really LOVE to be able to mod them...
something more like a heavily armoured warthog, for a sort of compromise between a tank and a warthog