No more, this is it. This map has seen every structural change it will ever see ( i'm hoping so muchhh ) This map has been known as, Embargo ( which got around 200 dl's ) Concrete ( never got uploaded ) and Reliant ( which got 207 dl's ). Derelict has seen many changes as well, and after about 4 months of tuning, editing, and just demolishing this map ( im including when it was Embargo, Concrete and Reliant ) I'm done. So onto the map itself, I feel it is as balanced as I can make it ( weapon placements and all ), There are quite a bit of elevation changes around every corner. Close and long range battles will occur frequently due to a great variety of los. One thing I feel bad about was adding the Noob weapons... ( had to be done ) but you will find skilled weapons scattered about. I am happy to see this map finished, and am quite frankly proud of the outcome. ( look back at Embargo and compare it to this, pheww ). Anyways, weapons : Weapon l Sp. clip l spawn l Weap. Count Sniper 1 178s 1 Dmr 2 10s 4 NR 2 10s 4 Needler 2 30s 2 Plasma Re 2 30s 2 Magnum 2 30s 2 GL 2 178s 1 Pl Grenade 30s 2 Fr Grenade 30s 4 --------------------------------------------------------------- Featured video DHG Maps of The Week vol. 10 - YouTube VIDEO : 1V1 Halo Reach Forge : Derelict ( 1v1 Gameplay ) - YouTube Pictures : Bad overhead view And Thats it! I'll probably upload a video sometime, we'll see. Hope you enjoy! ( oh yeah, its symmetrical )
hmmm, well to be honest with you, its completely unbalanced, the weapons dont seem to match up in power, the layout blows:/ NAAWWHHHHH im just kidding, i actually like the look of it, i think you did a very nice job and i hope it recieves 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,001 DL's Props!
Haha you got me scared there! But yeah thanks man, i'll be putting up a video sometime today so you can see the map better.
Racing to post this before my Laptop's battery dies. This is a very good map Cavitated. First you posted Embargo and the all of the changes you did to this map is.. I couldn't remember when Embargo looks like. This is a good map and I hoping there's no more changes to this map. It's confusing friend! - EpICx ReMiX XD
I remember when you first showed me Embargo when you where in the making of it. This map has gone through so many different changes through the last several months and I can say that It was worth it. This map has such an amazing and unique layout to it and it is perfectly balanced. I really can't think of anything that could be fixed on this map.......this map has been through a long journey to get where it is today, great job you are an incredible forger and this map is way better than any thing I could possibly do. Personally I can't even see Embargo in this map what so ever Also we need to hang out again sometime its been a while, to bad I can connect to you even with you are with Xyrc (I think I spelled it right) I would love to do a Co-forge or something. And you might want to change your sig to say Derelict instead of Reliant
Hey this actually looks really cool I don't know how I missed this when you first put it up I like the aesthetics on this map and it looks very clean almost as if the janitor just left lol that was corny... Oh well good job on this one
This reminds me of some of the earlier maps that came out back towards the beginning of Reach such as Rise and Annex. The forging is clean and pretty spot on, but that's where the positives end and the negatives begin... There are three major issues this map have that can be summed up fairly easily. -The map is too gray (despite your efforts to avoid this) -The design is too complex. -The map is too big. Its not a bad map in any way, but it doesn't really stand out either. The size, scaling and multitude of alternative routes across the map make it far too difficult for a team to set up and exercise map control.