This map can hold two teams (red and Blue) It is for either Team Slayer or Team Swat. In the future I may put an objective in there like capture the flag (one Flag) or a bomb game, I haven't decided yet. Red side: Blue Side: This map I believe is well made with even sides If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know I am open to all constructive criticism. Updated got rid of the choke point
Looks good but it looks a little to linear. It seems players would Only meet in the middle of the map. I'd say add some more routes from base to base and you'll have a nice looking map.
I agree that the center of the map creates a huge "bottlenecking" situation. To prevent this coagulation, I'd suggest placing at least three access ways to each passageway per team. Its one of those "gameplay" laws.
OK they might only be bridges instead of building due to the fact that I only have two building left to use. I was also going to use this as an objective map for like one bomb or capture the flag, good ideas though thank you