For those of you who don't know, during my absence from Forge Hub, I've kept myself occupied on Youtube. I've worked hard on my channel and am dedicated to bringing my subscribers good content (maps, videos, machinimas etc) and I've ran into a bit of a problem. If you want to see the channel, you can view it Here I want to bring out as much custom content as possible to the channel, however I am un-able to make 3 or 4 maps a week, as much as I woud like to. This is where you guys come in! I'm currently accepting maps to post to my channel! So post a link to your map in this thread (A Forgehub thread please) and I'll do my best to playtest them all and pick and choose from what I like. Feel free to nominate other peoples maps too (make sure credit is given). Anyways, thanks, looking forward to seeing what you guys can show me!
This isn't finished but I'd love some feedback. Take into consideration the restrictions of forging on Ridgeline. Map Name: Serenus Gametype: Invasion *Anniversary map pack needed* Thread: Map Preview Serenus DL Link: : Halo Reach : File Details *Edited to your template*
do you take forge tutorials as well because i am a youtube person from retirement gaming industries and my part is to do forge maps and tutorials. i would love for you to check me out and i am currently in progress of making a BTB map callled construction site with a huge unfinished skyscrpaer in the middle with a crane fixing it. thats the center peice. anyways i would love to submit it to you once i am finished
I have a few maps Retribution Corrupt
This right here, looks ****ing sick. I'd love to see it so far, maybe give my 2 cents or help u out. Gamertag: I paints I
We'll see, I'm currently with the PFL and we've already made that exact type of map, called "Foundation" (This was not built by myself) Foundation: SkiD514 & A CRAZY O1D GUY (Custom Halo Reach Map) - YouTube We've also got a tutorial on construction (This is not done by me) Construction - Tutorial - YouTube
I've got an infection map it is made by SawtoothMoney86(me) and my friend Epic Shooter. works with every infection gametype but it has a special gametype too (gametype by Epic shooter). warning if you play with a gametype that has no weapons on the map it is more likely to lag. recommended player amount is 8-16, works best with 12 Map : Halo Reach : File Details Special Gametype link (recommended) : Halo Reach : File Details thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: an additon to my first post sorry i don't have a thread yet but i do have a youtube video, click here to watch the video on the map
Bungie Link: Hazard Was in the PFL Contest but didn't win so I want to know why. If you could just even tell me whats wrong with it that would be great. I'll make the thread when I get the pictures onto my fileshare.
I would really appreciate if you could take a look at my map. And here is the dl link: : Halo Reach : File Details