AxisMundi V2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by oxitran, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. oxitran

    oxitran Forerunner

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    AxisMundi V2:
    This is a changed version of AxisMundi which I published the other day.
    The changes are quite significant:
    -I added the bottom story to the map.
    -Added 2 plasma pistols and a needler.
    -The centre structure had to be changed due to the platform XXL and platform XL cutting into the bottom level.
    -The grav-lift room has been made smaller and you can now reach the grav-lifts from the bottom area via circle small incline.


    Screenshot 1:
    This shows the access point to the lower level which has been added since V1.

    Screenshot 2:
    This shows the jewel has been raised a small bit to open up the access to the grenade-launcher.

    Screenshot 3:
    This shows the walls have been closed-in in the grav-lift rooms.

    Screenshot 4:
    This shows the lower level on the map and the new rocket-launcher position.

    Screenshot 5:
    This shows another view of the rocket-launcher in the lower level.

    Screenshot 6:
    This shows the access point to the lower level from the grav-lift room.

    Screenshot 7:
    This shows some action from a 4 player ffa test match.


    All feedback would be appreciated. Thanks for looking.
    #1 oxitran, Mar 18, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2012
  2. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map definitely a step up from V1 the layout looks a lot better and the addition of the multiple pathways will improve gameplay a lot. The only real thing I don't like but I know is inevitable is how the blocks are going threw the walls and the roof of the bottom floor which make the map look a little sloppy especially around the rocket launcher spawn. It also looks like there is some Z fighting going on near the lower man cannon/teleporter with the struts. I have one more thing to ask and that is how is framrate because I see multiple pieces of glass and I see multiple railings placed throughout the map. Nice map though it definitely is a step up from V1
  3. oxitran

    oxitran Forerunner

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    Yeah I couldnt really get rid of the bits of the braces and bottom of the struts in the lower level. The framerate actually is very good. We tested this in 4,6,8 player ffa and 1v1,2v2,3v3 player (we didnt do 4v4 because 8player ffa made it obvious the map is to hectic with 8 players.) In each test we did the framerate held up very well with barely any lag whatsoever. The main combat areas turned out to be the two bases and the jewel room we didnt really fight near the teleporter unless someone was passing through on radar and we jumped down to meet them.(combat in the jewel room is actually pretty crazy). Thanks for looking.

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