I've never spoken to the guy, but his maps in matchmaking are pretty bad for a guy called GodlyPerfection who runs a site called ReachingPerfection. That's all I can say about it. Also, calling a map casual is just different word for bad. I don't really see the point in most "casual" maps anyway. You can play casually on competitive maps too, but you can't play competitively on casual maps. And if you want to create a map just to be pretty it should go into the Aesthetic Maps category, not the Casual (which is pointless) one.
I think you're reaching a little on that one. There's nothing really wrong with creating a map just to screw around and have fun on, and you certainly will have more fun in that style of game with lots of power weapons and vehicles and mancannons than on a finely-honed competitive map with one neutral sniper, 12 DMRs and only mild elevation changes. I tend much more to the competitive side myself, but stupid fun is good too. However, no true "casual" map should be in a competitive playlist. Unless 343 manages to casual-ize everything... at which point Halo will become a casualty of casualization. Heh heh. (Seriously though, 343, why are there as many power weapons as people on Battle Canyon? Stop it.)
First of all, everything I am saying here, I have said to Godly online. Whether it is with an insulting tone or not, he does not have a map that reflects his level of claimed design knowledge. I wouldn't talk negatively about him, but he has this habit of lecturing me about things that I already know, or disagree with (like having to design a map for all types of players). And even though any ego is unjustified, his is even more so. But you're right, let's keep the Godly insults out. MLG is dead, and even if it does come back to life: Zanno and Tak will still be the mods, remakes will have pages of posts filled with praise, and Salot will still have 90% more chance of his maps going into the circuit over anyone else. I know nothing about how to start, or run a website. [br][/br]Edited by merge: One thing that we would need to keep the site from dying, like countless others, is supporters. I don't know if our little group of Ex MLG forgers would cut it...
Even though I don't play/care for mlg, I would join and probably hang around that site because I really enjoy competitive style maps.
Thing is, its not about MLG... Its about making balanced and competitive maps for any one to enjoy. A competitive map can be enjoyed by every one, as Xzamples pointed out, but a poorly designed or so-called "casual" map can't. What really grinds my gear is the common misconception that every MLG forger only makes arena maps, or that for a map to be uber competitive it must be a 2-base-2-tower clone.
Quoting for hilarity. But yeah, Reachingperfection is an alright alternative, especially considering how dead MLG is.
And here we stop bashing. Like ive said, youve got our forums where you can do your own thing and ignore us. Bug us for support when you need it, etc.
Honestly guys, when we put any amount of focus on competitive maps all we get in return is mass amounts of bitching about how we only focus on competitive maps. What are we to do lol? Our only option is to take a broader approach to forge, if only to stem some of the complainers. Edit: Also, what does being Pony Princesses have to do with Salot?
Chris, pretty much everybody in this thread agrees that we are doing what is best for us, afaik. They are looking for somewhere that focuses solely on their interests, which is by all means respectable.
for those who understand the below, i applaud you back in the day, this thread would have been locked before it was even posted, needs more interlocking 2/5 LOCKED. :lock:
Who cares what would've happened back in the day? I posted the question seeking an answer. I got multiple helpful answers. That is the purpose of this section. BTW, DYB [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm not heading anywhere? I was talking about being a member of multiple sites. You don't have to only belong to one community.
Discussion of what exactly? He asked a pretty straight forward question and received very straight forward answers. All I've seen since is community bashing/defending and spam. The op even said it could be locked...
Can't say I disagree, it happens the other way around where mlg people complain about the non-competitive slayer/objective maps too (and Cargo Port being the most competitive), which hopefully you guys are never to blame. The only, probably-not-possible solution would be to set up nominations/polls for each category (Competitive, casual, mini game, etc). There are just not enough maps and not enough participating members for anyone to push for it. Everything has to do with SaLoT.