Hello, everyone! I usually go by Whales, but those who have known me since 2009 call me by Martini. I was introduced to machinima not too long after I got Xbox Live (March 2009). Halo was the game that got me into it, and I hope I can start directing my own some day. The Forgotten Spartans is my favorite action machinima. Darknal is just an awesome director, and I hope I can make an action machinima just as good as his someday. I've been in countless machinimas, such as those from Combat Wombat92's and Matthew Lake's. I haven't made any major appearances in terms of body acting and voice acting, but at this moment I'm planning on it. I also do see machinima as a dying art. I remember Machinima.com back in the day being nothing but pure machinima—especially Halo machinimas; Halo machinimas was basically the foundation of machinima back in the day, then two very evil terms known as "gameplays" and "commentaries" came along during 2009 and filled Machinima.com with nothing but just that—and I'm thinking, "Isn't that what MachinimaRespawn was for?" Makes no sense, but that's why I don't go to Machinima.com anymore. You still find your pretty good machinimas, but very rarely. Halo is my most favorite video game. Besides that, the only other video game tying with Halo is Star Wars: The Old Republic. Not only am I obsessed with Halo, Star Wars and machinima, but anime such as Naruto and Pokémon. I also play the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG from time to time. I also write for The Star Wars Underworld, a Facebook page with over 7000 'likes', and I write about Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you play to game and are willing to make an alternative character, feel free to contact me. I'm always willing to make new characters on different servers and seeing how it is like throughout many servers. Well, that's pretty much it for now. Glad to see these forums are still active. <3 I love machinima, and remember, if you're looking for a body actor, voice actor or writer, feel free to contact me—we can work something out.
ohaider. I like machinima too. Rise of the Spartans and Project Middleground are my favourite two at the moment. Other people try to be funny/serious and just don't seem to pull it off very well, but the guys over at BPS do it really well. Welcome to the forums. Have fun :3 <insert customary whale song greeting> ♥ Sky
Arby n' the Chief and The Reach Trilogy for me. I have a friend who is currently making two machinimas, and I've provided him with some maps that he can use from this site, although not too many. I like machinima too, from good to bad. Welcome to FH.
Thank you everyone. I guess I should start advertising a map I helped create on the forums. I'm excited to be here!
Same here rise of the Spartans is by far my fav and when I found that I looked at his vids and found middle ground which is my fav single I was really surprised we liked the exact same ones I think arbiter deserves more recognition then he get for his amazing work
Nice to see another member of Forgehub interested in machinima. Welcome to the greatest forging community on the internetz!