The brute shot. Arguably the best shot+melee weapon. This is one thing I truly miss from halo 3. It looks awesome, reloads fast, good against infantry or light vehicles... hell I've even taken out a hornet with one (not a tank though, never pulled that off). On top of that it looks demonic and utilitarian at the same time. I think the Concussion rifle is meant to fill the same role in reach but it's just not as satisfying.
+1. The Halo Reach Sniper Rifle is badass too, though. That weapon has everything, it makes me feel like a boss when I pop another bullet into someone's skull. And when it comes to the covenant weapons, I gotta go with the Energy Sword. Just the way you hold it on its own makes it sexy already.
lol I thought of spank-cannon the first time I saw that. Now when I think of that more realisticly, I think of an old 17th Century cannon firing a hand at an eagerly waiting mistress... ...Yes, I'm THAT ****ed up.
At first I was like needler, but then I thought about playing Halo PC and how the sniper looked, compared to reach of how sexy it looks. The sniper rifle got my vote