Sereny Map Story: The battle on Reach is uncontrolled, Spartans have been sent to defend this priority area known as Sereny. Map Description: Symetrical, two identical bunker bases. One main tower (good for sniping). Bunker in the middle (like Snowbound. Every gametype works, tweaked until my hands were raw with my own blood, sweat and puke! All gametypes work. The Aim: To create a mixture of Valhalla, The Pit and Standoff. Plus to keep it evenly balanced and to also.. to keep you guys from breaking out of it! It's practically unescapable now, feel free to challenge me on that. Weapons/Equipment: Assault Rifle x3 Battle Rifle x3 Shotgun x2 Sniper Rifle x2 SMG x4 Spiker x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Needler x2 Spartan Laser x1 Energy Sword x1 Covenant Carbine x2 Frag Grenade x2 Plasma Grenade x10 Regenerator x2 Power Drainer x1 Active Camo x1 Mongoose x2 DOWNLOAD HERE Screenshots Hopefully I nailed it this time, I was happy with Reach 101, but in all honesty I could have balanced it better, hopefully this time will be different :] DOWNLOAD HERE ~Comment back, I hope you like it.~ My Other Maps: Haven - 500+DOWNLOADS Ambushed - 500+ DOWNLOADS Reach 101 - 10000+ DOWNLOADS Downfall - 100+ DOWNLOADS Derivation - 800+ DOWNLOADS Peace.
Wow, definitely a map worth downloading. The interlocking looks so smooth. but one question. Is the hole in the hill in the first picture supposed to be there
this is by far one of the best maps i have seen great job and keep forging ill check up on the map and see if the weapons are balanced and come back
Really good looking map. I like the little ditch in the middle you have my download for sure. I WILL DO A REVIEW ON THIS MAP AND IT WILL BE POSTED SHORTLY
Beautiful aesthetics and great interlocking, the floor looks so smooth and seamless which players love, especially when using a scoped weapon like the BR or Sniper. I love maps with bunkers. Period. And it looks like youve been around the bend a couple times when it comes to forging, youve got my dl. Awesome job man, I hope to see more from you in the future!
Ok I have playtested it and I have to say the spawns are terrible, people spawned behind others many times, and in a 2v2 instead of starting next to our team-mates we spawned next to our enemies. Please fix this as I hate to see such a great map ruined by awful spawns.
well this maps has it's great origionality and atmosphere to go with it and the only problem it that the power weapons well there are just too much 2 snipers 2 shotguns 2 needlers 1 energy sword 1 spartian lazer this map has plenty of potential BUT it is limited by the overhaul of power weapons trust me if you make a v2 then it might be a solid 10 but now it is a mere 8
this is what id like to see more of. this is a great lookin map and i love the style. keep on forging!
Thanks for the support everyone. Just going to point out some things. @Icy J 101: I played on team slayer, capture the flag, tried it all and I had no problems with spawns =/ I always spawned near my team, and there are spawn areas so I dunno what to tell you.. I've had no problems though. @bib bob: I wouldn't say there are too many weapons, it's like any bungie map, think of The Pit, 2 Snipers, Rockets, Active Camo, 2 Needlers, Sword. Mine isn't any different, and there are high respawns, and limited ammo in weapons like the shotgun. Hope more people download and have fun playing :] Peace.