So, if the title didn't make it obvious I need help with setting up the mechanics on my Invasion map. I'd prefer to learn from you (the experienced/proven invasion forger) in forge because I can't figure it out with the guides I've read. I'm also wanting to submit it in the library so it would be nice if someone could help me ASAP. To be clear, I'm looking for someone to teach me how to set this up correctly, not do it for me. If you want to try and help me on the forum through written explanation of what I need to do, click below to read about the problems. Spoiler I'm having issues with setting up the objectives to work and the spawn system. Game Labels: I don't think I've setup the core correctly (end/3rd phase). The theme is for the Elites to be using the core offensively, in the last push, to "power up" the facility. I have a flag stand and capture plate both set to invasion_obj_flag or whatever it is. I can't get to this phase to test if it works. Spawn Sequence(ss): I'm not exactly sure how the engine reads this number. I've read that 0 = ph1, 1 = ph2, 2 = ph3. In the case of my territory objectives, phase 1 is using territories(ss=1) that I wanted to use for ph2. Also I captured 1 of the "broken" territories and the phase ended (shouldn't it need both captures to end phase?). Spawn Points: I've deduced(incorrectly?) from reading that the inv_res_zone variations act as Respawn Zones, I placed neutral spawn points inside of the radius but I'm not sure if this is the correct method. Also, how are the pairs specified to initial spawns? Mine seem to be inconsistent (Gametype label(on initial spawns)=inv_res_zone_p(1-3)) on start up of the match. I'm pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything, though I believe with the understanding of how to do these things I would have no other problems. I hope I was clear in what my issues were. Thanks in advance for considering to help. Help pl0x.
Game labels: For the core you set up your core spawn with inv_obj_flag and the cap with just inv_obj. Spawn Sequence: Objectives and gates/weapons spawn in order like 1=1st phase, 2= 2nd phase, 3=3rd phase. OBJECTIVES USE 1,2,3 if that wasn't clear. ^ Spawn points. DON'T USE NEUTRAL ONES OR RESPAWN ZONES! Fireteam spawns are 0,1,2 and if you want all players to access the spawn 3+. Label fireteam spawns with respawn_point p1/p2/p3 to dictate the phases they appear, can't remember the exact label for them. Any object can be used for a spawn, but you preferably want to use hill markers, don't use respawn zones or points. Also if you want to make a competitive or casual invasion map read these- The Invasion Conceptualiztion Bungie Tutorial
Finally a invasion map in the library ok I can teach you I'll be on some time today...hopefully if not I'll be on Sunday around 6 send me a MSG (waterfallninja3)
@RegrettedKarma6 Thanks, you gave me all the specific answers to the problems which was a tremendous help. Thanks to everyone else for linking various information. I read all of it prior to this thread, I just wasn't getting the information out of it. Not to mention I now realise I read something completely wrong. Everything is working how it's supposed to now. Time to take some pictures.