
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Symnoptik, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Symnoptik

    Symnoptik Forerunner

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    Hello everybody, Noob Forger here!

    So basically, this is my first, okay Forge map. It's an infection gametype, based off of Batman: Arkham Asylum. Basically, one play is Batman, and the rest are guards. The guards most look for Batman while trying to survive. Batman must assassinate and ninja the guards. Pretty simple and fun at most times. The perfect amount of people to play with is about 7. But that's just me personally.
    Here is a top view of the map, showing two air vents for Batman to use, stands, and the main building.
    Here is the inside of one of Batmans Airvents. As you can see, they branch off down as well as along and around corners.
    This is where Batman spawns. This place itself can not be seen by the guards and is connected to two airvents, one of which ends up branching down to the floor.
    As you can or maybe, can not see, is that Batman has 'Good' Camo.
    Here is the ground shot, the building has a nice surprise on the roof if you dare to make it.
    Here is an image of a guard shooting up at Batman. Guards have a shot gun and a pistol with infinite ammo. They still need to reload. Before you say this is Over Powered. Batman CAN take multiple, direct shots from the shotgun.
    Here's what I like to call the main room. Everytime I test this map this seems to be the place all the guards camp. They can camp all they want, because this room alone as 7 entry points for Batman. 2 Of those happen to be through the front/back door.
    Annnnd here we kind of see Batman assassinating a Guard.

    So yeah, these are the images of my Map. Please give some feedback of what you think.

    PS: Thank you to LD ♥ for telling me about making me map to the standards.
    #1 Symnoptik, Mar 1, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2012
  2. PurexXxChicken

    PurexXxChicken Forerunner

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    i absolutely love this game. it is so fun to play as batman. i actually had it before you put it up on forgehub.

    but, it coul be improved. i actually edited my game mode so you got bonus points for killing batman and surviving, that way people are actually ok being one of the guards.
  3. Ingulit

    Ingulit Forerunner

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    I have mixed feelings about this map. I'll start with the good: I absolutely love the vent system. It's very pretty and (mostly) functional. Beyond that, I like the overall look of the stage, though there are numerous Forging errors.

    One of the main issues I have is with the gametype itself. Nobody ever dies; it takes far too long to kill anybody. Batman's physics are horribly uncontrollable, especially since Batman is trying to get assassinations (the 300% jump height and the low gravity make it very hard for Batman to approach from above). I also don't agree with the gametype choice. With it being infection, one has to pray one gets Batman at the start of a round or one is stuck being incredibly board the rest of the round. Indeed, if you are playing with your recommended number of people, there is a very good chance someone might not get Batman for several full matches! Also, Batman is unkillable considering the "guards" do little to no damage, Batman's health regenerates, and (especially) because of the medpacks in the vents.

    Getting away from the Halo/Forge side of things, if you're trying to emulate the Batman from Arkham, Batman shouldn't be able to tank bullets; rather, he should have to avoid them just like in the game (take a look at the Batball gametype that was posted earlier, they did a good job with this).

    As far as the stage goes, it seems far too small to support more than 4 people; I tested it with my three roommates and it seemed very cramped. As I stated before, there are numerous Forging errors (holes in walls, etc.). Also, being a guard is rather boring since there aren't many places for them to go or things to do. Furthermore, I disagree with putting shields on the bottom of the vents, as that means Batman can't use them to escape from the ground floor.

    This is a good start, and I see a lot of potential. Talk to the guy who was doing Batball (Selenus?); he might be able to give you better tips (heck, you might even try making this a Batball map!).
  4. Symnoptik

    Symnoptik Forerunner

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    Thanks for the in put on the map, and I agree with most of which you said, such as batman being able to tank and jumping too high. Also, the main reason why the sheild doors are there, is because the guards themselves ended up camping in the vents, and became impossible to kill.

    And this is only my first map. I can always remake it, adding stuff into it to make it better. As for the batball map, I haven't checked it out. But I'll be sure to do so.
  5. PurexXxChicken

    PurexXxChicken Forerunner

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    I can see where your coming from, but being an avid arkham asylum/ city fan, i think the gamtype is completely fine, other than the points. It plays so much like the game, it makes me very happy. Once you play this, you realize why the enemies in arkham city act so stupid, cause you do just what they do.

    a lot of forging could be better though, a lot of z-fighting, but ive never noticed any holes. oh, if youre talking about random holes in the ground or ceiling, those are for batman to gain an edge on any spot you camp in, just like the arkham city. i highly disagree with it being boring. if it was, your batman was just slow. also, batman is very capable of taking a lot of bullets in the arkham, and i think that is very well represented in this.

    i honestly dont know what youre talking about with the gametype having problems. i thought it was an absolute perfect representation of arkham city, the map included. minus the few forge problems, its aan extremely fun representation of arkham city. ive never tried batball, but this is exactly like playing in batman the game. although i usually play with 3-5 people, and it works out pretty fine with just that many. plus, theres usually just 4 people + batman in a room in arkham city. so, yeah

    oh i forgot. i didnt notice the medpacks, but tak them out. period

    EDIT: i actually went in and changed some stuff myself, making the humans weapons more powerful (125), bonus point for killing batman, bonus point for surviving as zombie or human, raised melee to 50, and turned shield recharge off. i also added a sniper, gl, and grenades, and also gave grenades to the infected along with an assault rifle in place of the pistol. i think it plays far better, and more like the actual game. so, yeah
    #5 PurexXxChicken, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2012
  6. Selenus

    Selenus Forerunner

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    Hey, I've been meaning to post on this for a while, but haven't found the time.

    Firstly, it's nice to see another Batman fan on Forgehub.

    Secondly, this is very impressive for a first forging effort, especially the ventilation units. As someone who's incorporated those into a number of maps, I know an aesthetically pleasing, useful vent system can be quite painful to implement. The one way you could improve the vents, in my opinion, is to make it so Batman can re-enter from ground level, rather than be blocked off by the shields. If you want to prevent the guards from then camping the vents, you could raise them up slightly from their present position or add a ridge on the bottom (whichever you find easiest/most aesthetically pleasing). Since in your gametype guards essentially can't jump, that would keep them out of the vents while allowing Batman another stealthy exit point. Controlling that jump might be hard if it's a short hop with those jump physics, but you could add an incline or something immediately above the vent entrance so when Batman tries to jump in it's implemented faster.

    Otherwise on the map, you might want to look into the Z-fighting around, and also 1 or 2 holes in your outer wall that while small and not really affecting gameplay, let you see outside of the asylum room. I'm of the opinion generally that gameplay trumps aesthetics in almost all circumstances, but if you can have both then why not?

    I am admittedly a bit biased so in terms of gameplay, I'm not certain how much I could comment; I did try it with a small group of people, and came up with some of the same complaints Ingulit did, such as the relatively small map and the Batman being decided completely at random. It also did seem difficult for anyone to kill Batman, given his regenerating health and ability to tank in general. However, there may well have been something my testing group overlooked/didn't try in terms of playstyle. Most of the people there had been used to my Batman gametype, and there are enough differences between the two that perhaps what may work for one gametype may well be wrong for the other; I'd be interested in perhaps joining you at some point to try this out with people more experienced in this variation on Bat-halo.

    In terms of mimicking Arkham Asylum, I'd say it's a fair representation, even (technically) taking multiple hits from guns (though health doesn't heal back until after the room is clear, so that's making Batman hard to kill in this gametype). Maybe this isn't always a good thing, though; the Arkham games were stellar single player experiences but they weren't designed for multiplayer. You might consider finding some way in the gametype to buff the thugs and nerf Batman where it's still enjoyable no matter which side of the cowl you're on.
    If I were to make a suggestion on this, take away the ability to withstand that many hits, especially the regeneration- this would make Batman considerably more dependent on stealth, and that has typically worked for me in the past. Also, while this may sort of go against the nerf I mentioned above, perhaps increase Batman's melee damage- he's the world's best martial artist, he should be able to knock someone out from the front or side as well as behind, even if it's not instantaneous.

    If you take nothing else away from the post, I think that this was a good first effort, and I'd be interested in seeing whatever future projects you may undertake.
  7. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Glad to see some more of these popping up- I'm currently working on one myself (though I usually forge competitive maps, the idea of making a Batman map sounded awesome).

    Maybe making Batman need health packs to get health back would be a good way to balance things out. This way, he not only has to run away, but find his way to the HP in order to get back in action. Since Elites cannot pick them up, there wouldn't be any worries about the goons grabbing them either.

    This game-type seriously needs a solid, universal game-type so that the game-play remains consistent between lobbies.

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