
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Thom Barbarossa, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    Hello forgehub its been a long long time. I made a map pack a long time ago and i wasent able to post it. I made 3 maps in it and i have already posted one..Gogera. Any way here is the second.

    This map is named skynard, because while i was building it a friend of mine thought it looked like a concert hall, get it lenard skynard? hahaha. Any way Skynard is a small symetrical map floating over the alaska part of forge world. I made this when having a tree in the middle of your map was the new big thing. So i dont wanna hear anything about it, lol. This map has 3 main floors with the odd walkway being between the two or above. Its very open so i recomend not playing DMR slayer, or what ever its called.

    Like i said its been a while so im not posative about the exact weapon placement, But i know that there is a sniper rifle on the top "nest area" There is a gernade launcher above the grassy area. And finally a shotgun under the awesome center tree.

    Here is a overview of the map:

    The "grassy hall":

    Here is The stair like levels of the sides, with the spawn points on the top row:

    The snipers "nest":

    Where the awesome tree is at:

    And here is a couple of awesome guys.

    Thanks for taking a look at one of my oldest maps.
    #1 Thom Barbarossa, Mar 15, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2012
  2. Crimson Phoenix

    Crimson Phoenix Forerunner

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    Ummm, can I get a cleanup on the isle with the pants? Someone just shat bricks.
    Beautiful just beautiful! I love what u did with the circular ramps and the corner walls, which created a mini room, if it's ok I might use that idea.;)
  3. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    Im not that sure i understand what those first two sentences ment, but as for the rest thanks, lol. And sure do whatever you want its everyones forge. :)
  4. kev584

    kev584 Forerunner
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    Wow this map looks great, I love it when people use trees as the center piece. This is a very appealing map, you have my download :D
  5. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    This map is pretty good, but I don't want to be an ego boost and say it's amazing. First off, there are some major problems with this map. There are some very long lines of sight everywhere. The middle is really really open, and on top of that it is the lowest point on the map. That combination makes the middle a death trap. I wouldn't go down there far any reason whatsoever. Also there are some major Los in the back base area. Also the cover seems really last minute. The way you've incorporated cover is only for cover. What I mean by that is that there should be more structure to it. That will not only cut up Los but also give the map some depth and character. My final point may be a little opinionated, but I am not a fan of the 45 degree inclines, they are too steep to work well with gameplay. That's just my idea of what I see.
  6. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    Yah it can be like that but i tested this map a couple times and as long as you start with ARs insted of DMRs its not that bad at all. most of the fighting takes place near the sniper nest. And for the cover i made this map a long time ago and just put them where i saw fit, Like you said i dident really incorporate them into the secenery of the map. And for the 45% I dident really have a choice with how colse i made the floors. But whenever i'm able to get my hands on a copy of reach again ill keep what you said in mind. Thanks for the feedback :)
  7. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    Apart from being very open I like the idea. This map seems that it is better without DMR's. Very nice map though!
  8. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    I like some of the aesthetics you've got here, namely the small circular inclines coupled with the brace, tunnels. The layout, while not entirely original (difficult to do with a 4v4 symmetrical map since most of em' are either reminiscent of Midship or The Pit), isn't unoriginal either and that counts for some points in my book. Looking at it again, I do see some semblance to Colossus. It also looks like all the areas have at least 3 entrances to them, which is a requirement (usually) that many people seem to forget about.

    One thing I can guarantee this map has are framerate drops. You've got lots of pieces that have lights on them, like the walkway covers (having OCs and ACs phased into them doesn't help either), railings, 2x2 corners, and an actual green light to top it off. Combine those with the glass covers through which most of the objects on the map can be viewed through and you're looking at some really heavy render stress placed on the game. Start by replacing those pieces where possible and removing the glass covers as well. Do this and I can assure you that your framerate will improve drastically.

    I also agree with Kaos about center mid being a deathtrap, but a suitable power weapon like rockets can make this openness a good risk vs reward element. The long lines of sight, especially around the outer perimeter, ought to be broken up. One thing you do not want to do in order to accomplish this is using "standing cover," which I can see is prevalent throughout the map already. What I mean by this is adding in cover who's sole purpose is to be cover (ie., the human barriers, human crates, braces, covers, and cover crenelations). You want your cover to be a part of the map's structure and feel integrated into the design as a whole.

    One last note: I see some steep ramps on the map that are >30 degrees. It is generally accepted that this is something you want to avoid doing, as the steepness is just too much and doesn't allow the player going up it to see anything on the horizon. If you can, remove these and replace them with more gradual ramps.

    Good work man, I hope you take some of my advice and either fix up the immediate issues I've been able to deduce from your pictures (which I recommend posting more of; right now it was a little hard to get a feel for everything) or at least use some of it in your next map. Cheers.
  9. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    hay thanks for the comment that was just the kind of C&C i was looking for. I dont think im going to fix up this map because its old and i dont have reach right now. I have some more old maps to post that ill apply your comments too before i post them. Thanks.
  10. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Raise the middle, ditch the steep ramps, and add more cover to reduce sightlines. Also, you could vary the floor from more than just 4x4s and the occasional bank ramps.

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