AxisMundi I think has a very unique layout. The centre area is the focal point of the map while the multiple branches provide for fast fighting. I spent countless hours trying to perfect the sight lines and play areas. Although i met alot of challenges creating this map i think it turned out very well in the end and i'am happy to with how it plays in team slayer. Weapons: Shotgun x1 (180 seconds) Rocket Launcher x1 (180 seconds) Grenade Launcher x1 (150 seconds) Sniper Rifle x2 (180 seconds) Needle Rifle x2 (45 seconds) DMR x2 (45 seconds) Plasma Grenade x4 (30 seconds) Frag Grenade x2 (30 seconds) There are a few things i'am unsure of 1) Should the grenade launcher be changed for the shotgun? 2) Should the teleporter be gotten rid of? 3) Are the snipers fair? All feedback would be appreciated for future maps and modifications. ================================================================= Screenshot 1: This shows the central-point of the map and the access points to it. Screenshot 2: This shows the red main base and the connecting branch to the centre. Being symmetrical the map has the same feature on the blue side. Screenshot 3: This shows the drop of point between the two branches in Screenshot 2. It works much like the one on pinnacle and the gravity-lift drops you up into the centre area while the teleporter drops you onto the jewel.(pyramind structure in Screenshot 4.) Screenshot 4: This is an upside down pyramid which i call the jewel. you can drop down underneath to get the G-launcher. There are 4 entrances into this room and it acts as the connector to the red and blue sniper areas in Sreenshot 5. Screenshot 5: There are two of these rooms the red and blue ones. The gravity-lift flings you into the centre and the sniper is in a great place for getting mid-ranged fighting well under way. There is also a healthpack and two grenades. Extra Screenshot: This is just to show a better angle for the jewel room. =================================================================
This looks pretty interesting. Asymmetrical+clean forging+lifts+teleporters=1 download from me. I'll leave feedback after I check it out.
Looks pretty cool. You don't get layouts like this very often. Definitely gonna DL. Answers to your questions (haven't looked at the map in-game yet, just reasoning): Don't swap the shotgun, it's the only CQB weapon placed on the map. Keep the teleporter, they generally keep things fun and fast-paced. The snipers sound fair, I usually put them on 90 sec respawn, and that's pushing it. 3 minutes is a good time.
I really like the way you lined up the center with the platforms facing opposite directions, it adds a very dynamic feel to the map as far as viewing it from the pictures. Also I love the way you put effort into the rocket platform. It's not just some dinky platform but it actually look connected like it's being held by something. Overall I'm definetly DL this map and I love what you did with the large walkway platforms, it truly adds style to the map as well. Happy forging days!
Okay, I took a look at it earlier and: The object use could be improved. Bridge, XLs, 5x1s, Windows, Double Walls, Single Walls, and Railings can all be replaced by something more framerate efficient. The only time I am presented with an option is when I am top mid, or in the diamond room. Every where else on the map it is one way in, one way out. Not to sound like an ass, but this map feels like a warmup map. There are not enough routes around the map, and there is barely any height variation. Though the layout has some serious issues if it is seen as a competitive map, it looks great. This map has a realistic structural feel that so many forge maps lack.
Thank you for all the comments so far. They have highlighted areas of improvement and following further testing and modifying i will have V1.1 up in the next week or so.
I enjoy the angles of the map, it shows of the dedication and grace that was used here. I hope you build more maps like this, but as it seems, I figure you should build 1v1's. Your map looks to be tight and possibly confined, with some open areas. Just dropping my 2¢ into the fray.