This is a 4v4 symmetrical map. Weapons on map: Dmr x4 Needler rifle x4 Sniper Rifle X2 Plasma Pistol x2 Magnum x2 Shotgun x2 Rockets x1 Turret x2 Plasma Grenade x4 Frag Grenade x4 Screenshots: Blue base: Back Blue base: Blue lobby: Blue lobby (front) Middle: Video walkthrough: YouTube - Entanglement V2 Walkthrough -Created by Superflydemon
This is a fantastic piece of forging. I like how you were able to merge the building piece in the base without it sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm just curious since I won't be able to play this till the weekend, what was the end result for the budget? It doesn't seem like you would need to max it out or anything.
HOLY CRAP TiZ MaP Is BETTOR THAN My maPS, Compared to bungie< BUNGIe 's map are crAP. hope you LIKe my CommEnT
I liked it, i agree the maps bungie picks are terrible, also their stock maps in reach wernt very good either.
I like how you made structures our of pices of cover and decorations. It looks really cool like in the main base. But in some places it doesent really work really well like in your 2nd and 3rd pictures, the pathways dont really fit together and there is a visable gap in the 3rd picture. But other than that i really like this map. Like i said before the buildings really awesome. keep up the forging.