
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by iamalonewolf, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. iamalonewolf

    iamalonewolf Forerunner

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    Hey guys, lone wolf is back with a new map.
    This time i am showing my latest map "Exodus".

    The idea came about 3 months ago, I wanted something that was new so I thought a bout other games in which youv got to defeat your enemies or achieve an objective in order to move to the next satge and that is pretty much what this map does. Every time you conquer a capture point you will be able to cross a teleporter that will send you to the next satge.

    The map has 3 stages; one at the top of forge world, the other at the colloseum, and finally at the reactor. With a focus on functionality and aesthetics this map is perfect for "E. Skirimish" and S.Skirimish" (both available at my fileshare) and of course its custom gametype.

    Here are some pics.
    This is the first stage, as you can see there are 3 pillars; one of those pillars will open so you can cross the teleporter


    I added some rocks as a natural coverup to balance the fight



    This is the first capture point.


    Alright lets move to stage 2.
    A little physics is not bad for gaming.


    Sorry I couldnt upload the second capture point image, but here are the respawn points.



    After you capture the second point you will be able to cross to the final stage.



    Finally stage 3 (capture the core)
    After you cross the teleporter you will enter to this kind of temple in which you will find the core.




    Well guys I hope you enjoyed it. Leave your feedback, your oppinion; what you liked, what you didnt liked. Check my other maps here are the links.

    Requiem for a Soul: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-casual-maps/130548-requiem-soul.html

    Cicle (not a word) :http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-casual-maps/130581-cicle.html

    Infinity: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/132587-infinity.html

    Hope to see you later, my gamertag: iamalonewolf
    feel free to add me as a friend.
    lonewolf out.


    "Gama Facility"
    coming soon​
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    I don't really like the teleporter idea, I've messed with it before, but I always found that it made gameplay too linear. I think Invasion needs to be about expansion, not progression. Like in Spire or Boneyard, the first phase is a backfield spawn and vehicle spawn. If you use teleporters, you either can't do that or the defenders can just camp the teleporter because it becomes the only entrance.
  3. iamalonewolf

    iamalonewolf Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback, that is problem i found while testing the map but as i said before this was made a few months ago so i will keep in mind for my next maps.

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