What did i think? This video pretty much describes it- Hitler finds out about Mass Effect 3's Ending - YouTube I chose the Synthesis Ending, and I pretty much feel like none of my choices in the previous game really affected the outcome. I was hoping for Shepard to live
That's pretty much it, I ****ing hated the endings, because they made it felt like everything you chose was for **** all. Seems a little pointless if you ask me.
What's that saying, "Its the journey that matters, not the destination". So the ending's pretty lame, so was Halo 2's non-ending. Every game has some area that could have been better, most games have several.
When a game focuses on story so heavily, and the game has been building up to that moment for 3 games, you expect something a little better than what was given. Especially in a game like Mass Effect, when you're given all these choices to make, and you stick by them for 3 games, carrying that character over, making those decisions, and then the game makes it seem like none of it matters in the end. It was kind of pointless.
The problem with Halo 2's ending is that it wasn't really an ending. It was a cliffhanger the result of Halo 2's development hell. I haven't played ME3 but I checked out the endings and I thought it was pretty sad that they were practically the same but with a different colored 'explosion'.
Still a better ending than ME3. I think Neoshadow's summed up my feelings towards the endings pretty well, because it was actually a pretty okay game barring the ending.
I feel cheated. Have you guys seen the film 'Knowing'? That's pretty much exactly the same as what happens in this ending... I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I think the masses of people petitioning to have the ending re-written are right to ask for it. But that isn't what's going to happen. It'll get announced some point down the line, that given all the bullshit that's gone on with the launch, DLC, lies about whether it's already on the disc, how much EA are cunts etc. There'll be some closure DLC for £10, and everyone will buy it and hate themselves for it. All the ending even did was give even more questions... Was the ending a dream and maybe Shepard actually died after the Illusive man confrontation (Before he magically ascended towards the light on a floating white platform)? Or is he still alive there? What happens with my romance option (Miranda)? I stayed faithful, kept her alive and promised her I'd return, and now what? Is shep even still alive to return to her? What happens to all the people on the Citadel? What's up with Joker and co on this strange planet without their ship? Did all those people on Horizon really die and get processed as tests in what can only be described as the **** death camp of the future for info on how to control the reapers when all you have to do is walk up to the citadel and hold onto a lever to have control? Was the Illusive Man really the good guy? What the hell is with that stargazer and kid thing? How are we suddenly back on the ship acting like nothing ever happened, all in good health with not a word said after the creds? In all honesty, I feel like the £120 I spent on the games, the extra for the DLC and the first 3 novels was all for absolutely nothing. Like a stupidly expensive prostitute, giving you the ride of your life, and right about as you're about to finish in a euphoric state that makes the ride feel like it was worth the money, she gets off, spits in your face and walks off, and you don't get to finish. And then your **** gets chopped off, so you can never get that finish that it all led up to. Not that I was expecting the ME3 ending to give me an orgasm, I just expected a little more than to be spat on and a "**** you, thanks for the cash".
I liked the rant better from Hitler. I kid I kid, but yeah hopefully BioWare fixes things with DLC. At least they do DLC right most of that time (Lair of the Shadowbroker being one of the best DLC ever). oh and this http://social.bioware.com/forum/Mas...-Child039s-Play-Donation-Drive-9845819-1.html
You know, I was expecting to see some brief cutscenes during the final battle that represented some of the major decisions I made. For instance, watching the Rachni kick ass for just a moment, or the Council and their huge ship take something out. As for the ending itself, I thought the concept of the choices was fine. However, they were apparently too similar in execution, and there wasn't enough follow-through on the consequences of such a major decision, not to mention finding out what happened to most of the characters. Also, none of the endings felt suitable for a true Paragon run. Though I haven't chosen every ending yet, I would have to say the destruction option most closely matches what you've been trying to accomplish as a Paragon for most of the series, but it conflicts with other things you've done, like help the Geth. Don't get me wrong, though, I can appreciate having to make a choice where there is no "right" answer, but it is worth pointing out.
I just bought Mass Effect 3, along with Naruto Ninja Storm Generations today. Does anybody want to form a squad? I want to prestige at least 3 to 5 characters before hitting the story...
I would approve of the ending if I wasn't left with so many goddamn questions with what happened to my characters/races! Destroying the reapers and in the process destroying the relays sounds almost like a bad idea in the long run... I just want to really know what happened to my Shepard and my romance Ashley! /Cries
OKay, so like I already mentioned, I've got this game a week after it released and I notice that my Custom Sheps' faces arent importing. I've done some research and I found out that it was a problem since launch. How could Bioware miss such an obvious mistake? And why the **** does it take so long to join a lobby in this ****ing game?! I have yet to join a lobby!
I give Bioware the benefit of the doubt on that one... I know it's a pretty big bug that was missed, but Mass Effect is also a large game that I don't doubt a few things could turn up. As for the lobby issue, I have no clue... I hear people complain about it, but I don't have that problem. If I search for a game it happens instantly and I don't have to wait to find one. Same way with a friend of mine, when he searches for a game it takes no time at all for us to start playing.
Well, i dont have a problem with the multipayer anymore. Things seem to have pick up now but Im still upset about the importing issue. I think im going to continue playing the Multiplayer until that issue is fixed....
This may help- Endings - Mass Effect 3 Wiki Guide - IGN f you have 100% Paragon or Renegade status, you can choose the persuasive red or blue text, respectively, when talking to the Illusive Man. If you do so, you can convince him to shoot himself. To get 100% Paragon or Renegade, you may have to import a character from ME3
I believe you actually have to use a colored response every time you encounter the Illusive man throughout the game. I've heard of people who did not have the final options despite having a full bar, so this explanation makes sense.
I believe it is based on how many war assets you have along with your paragon/renegade; that is what most of the people on Bioware's forums were saying, at least. Also, I felt like Bioware raped me and laughed throughout the last 10 mins of the game. The worst part is like halfway through the game, I predicted the most ridiculous ending (either you become a reaper, or the reapers are so impressed with the universe's collaboration that they decide to leave everyone alone) and I was right with one...