As I understand it.. it is possible to get Recon in campaign, but it is insanely hard and no body knows how to get it... it may aswell be impossible? Do you think Bungie would put subliminal messages everywhere that provide clues as to how to get Recon in Campaign? like count the number of vowels in News headings on then number of vowels correspond to letters in the alphabet? Random stupid stuff like that.
Nope, there is no Recon unless you somehow astonish Bungie. So, these "hidden recon" theories are loads of crap.
maybe dood... I saw some where recently that only a hand full of people have beaten the game with all the skulls turned on in legendary. Maybe if you busted that out they would give it to ya...
lol i heard that there is a special skull in campaign that gives you recon heard from someone with recon hmmmm thinks about it, goes and looks for skull
No wait! If you activate all the skulls in reverse alphabetical order, you unlock a level where you have to fight 10 Scarabs, and you get a couple Elephants with Scorpions and Pelicans that you can drive. If you can defeat all of the Covenant within 10 minutes, you can grab a skull at the last Scarab you destroy called the Recon skull, and it lets you have Recon armor Epic Ensues.
Bungie has been extremely clear that Recon is a "special case" award given to only those who can make an impact on the Halo 3 community. They might award Recon for completing Legendary all skulls on (LASKO), but it still doesn't seem likely. Bungie wanted Recon reserved for who they considered to be "exceptional" people. If they awarded Recon for LASKO, you'd log on to matchmaking a week after the announcement and thirty percent of the players would have it. That's the exact opposite of what Bungie wants.
it is probably impossible to get it on campaign, altough you can probably do something in campaign to get it. like say... finding said banshee or hornet on the last level??
No no no no no... You have to stand next to a fusion coil, blow it up then ask bungie for reconz because you commited suicide!