Drew a picture of a girl I've been seeing the last few weeks. Going to give it to her today. 12~ hours work. Getting them both on the screen, her nose is a bit off, but overall I'm quite happy with it. Mouse over for original, click for larger view. v2 [mouseoverimage="http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt198/Noxiw/1-54.png"]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/073/1/9/katlynn_v2_by_nickwixon-d4sr1l7.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Spoiler v1 [mouseoverimage="http://i611.photobucket.com/albums/tt198/Noxiw/1-54.png"]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/073/5/9/katlynn_by_nickwixon-d4sppq9.png[/mouseoverimage] Thoughts?
Hmm, yes they do, don't they? I'm not completely finished, just finished for now. I'll work on it a bit more and re-upload. And I am going to work on the nose a bit, too. Thanks.
Could probably've loosened on the outlining of her teeth so the vampire teeth don't stick out as much Also, the top right side of her hair is too poofy, when it's not as thick there in the original. Otherwise, very nicely done, I'm sure she'll like it.
this. teeth are not outlined with black in reality. its a decent drawing, keep at it =) try using one of those blending sticks
I'll work on the hair, as I overlooked that difference, and I had already lightened up the areas between the teeth after I uploaded this. See above, and I do need to get a blending stick, I've been using Q-tips and klenex. Thanks.
blending sticks actually work a lot better than that, i've tried both. especially when working on the hair, trying to get the light right. its not like they're expensive? eh, whatever.
I bought some anti-smudge-final-product-aerosol spray stuff today, and it doesn't work well so I'm taking it back. I'll grab some blending sticks while doing so.
oh yea that stuff is weird.. isn't it supposed to be more for charcoal? i do not have much experience with it.
It said charcoal and pencil right on it, I tested it on something else and it just ... didn't work well.
Wow, that's really good. I wish I could provide some constructive criticism, but I'm no good at drawing and I really don't see anything wrong. More, please.
Thank you sir! I just updated the OP with a v2. Darkened eyes, fixed nose and mouth, used blending sticks (which are amazing. I forgot how awesome they are. I haven't used them since high school), I probably won't be changing her eyes even though they are a bit too far apart, I'm running out of time as I'm going to see her soon.
Like alls girls she'll probably complain that the original photo was 'Omagud absolutely disgusting like eww' Nice sketch though. I have always had problems with getting the proportions of people right within my sketches so I stick to graffiti sketching and things that dont involve people.
QFT. I suck at drawing/sketching people, unless they come from my own mind, in which case, they still suck. I'm better at drawing things that don't really have any basis in reality, because there's nothing to compare them to, which lets my imagination do what it may. You have some skill Nox, have you ever thought about becoming a forensic sketch artist?
told u so on the blend sticks ! =) as far as something more constructive to offer: think about values. a good tip i learned from drawing teachers is to squint your eyes when looking at what you are drawing. for example, the value of her hair by the right side of her neck (our right) is MUCH darker in the source photo than in the drawing. and also, that area of her neck is out of proportion. darkening up the values in that area and fixing that part (should be easy to fix since it seems too wide, just shade in the hair more to erode it back.) should help to give it more depth. its common with pencil drawings to not have it dark enough because the pencil lead is not soft enough, try using a 2B or 4B to really blacken up the blacks in there. another thing to think about is compensating for the distortion of the camera's lens. most drawings that are drawn from a photo are out of proportion in some manner because of this, or just look flat and slightly off. it is difficult to do, im certainly not a master of it, but just something to think about. sorry if im seem like a hater, i dont mean it like that, just trying to offer something more than "cool drawing!"
^Pretty much what happened. She was ridiculously happy with it. Not at all, this girl is really cool. Plus she is a huge geek. We watched Starwars and played minecraft all night a few days ago. And they were her ideas. Na, I just do this as a hobbyist. And thanks. Thanks for the thoughts. And you don't seem like you're hatin'. I'll keep them in mind for future drawings. Titmar, you should upload some of your stuff, I didn't know you were that into art.
well yea i do go to an art school =P lol but i am more into 3D stuff lately than drawing.. yea i was thinking about making titmar art thread but i was lazy haha, maybe i will now.