On Sunday I decided to go snowmobiling and as I was heading through the trails I noticed how nice the trails looked so I decided to take some pictures (I am not a photographer so if these pictures looks somewhat odd just say so in the comments) (Sorry if the picture quality is bad I took these on my phone)
Man if you had a nice DSLR camera (like a Nikon or Canon) these pictures would look really cool. Or if you touched them up in photoshop or something. Very nice though!
I would have brought a camera but I didn't know how nice the trails were going to be. Also the picture quality on my phone I actually amazing but once I upload them to photobucket they look crappy.
Looks pretty nice out there. Too bad you didn't have a proper camera, otherwise the images would have looked a lot nicer. You'll have to go out again sometime and take a camera this time.
I'm a huge fan of forest shots, especially when looking down a path as seen in picture three. The angling in the others look odd to me, though.
I like these pictures and they would look amazing at a higher quality, still nice for a phone camera. I really like the 3rd one, it gives me a sense of density with the trees. Thanks for sharing!
Try using light room. Even though your phone doesn't take great pictures there should still be enough information for LR in order to make a more illusive contrast.