Heya guys and girls, I was hoping for a bit of advice. One of the maps I am making is based heavily around the bug surrounding kill zone caused death of invulnerable people. When you enter a kill zone with invulnerability set as your health you die but your body stays stood up with no weapon in your hand. This is supposed to be put into one of my maps in the following: An initial spawn point is placed upon the roof of a building with an instant kill zone surrounding it. Upon spawning you die, your body remains standing and you can re-spawn in a non kill-zoned point. However, at present whilst death does occur my body does not remain standing. I made a basic one to test my idea in the Colosseum using the necessary items and nothing more, and it worked perfectly, both me and my forge buddy could see both our bodies, complete with armor and armor effects. When I tried to implement this in the map the kill-zone would kill you, and yet when I looked, neither my, nor my 2 forge-mates bodies were standing up. My mates said that they could see it, but I could not. 1) Why did this change from the test to the implementation 2)Does being party leader affect this phenomenon? Thanks in anticipation Lizard (Geko)
he said that he could not but his "2" buddies could. I assume they were not on the same XBOX, so if there are 3 XBOXs, and only one could see the bodies standing up, why did two of them see it and the third not? Not saying you are wrong, this is good to know, but this discrepancy is interesting...
If the host is the one who can't see it, then that would explain why two out of three players saw standing corpses.
If they are telling the truth, and I see no reason to believe they weren't, then why could I not see it the second time, when I could the first time when I tested it? :\ First time both of us could see it, (However my forge mate was a different guy the first time). Also OP: The 2 other people were on a different Xbox to me, but were on the same xbox (Player and guest)
If they were on a second XBOX, then it all makes sense. They were hosting, so they saw it. Perhaps you saw it when you hosted and did not when you were not hosting? Or perhaps as non host you MIGHT see it depending upon network speed?