The rumor on IGN is that Xbox 720 will not have a disk drive. Instead of a disk drive there will be an "Interchangeable device" or Cloud storage or something like that.. Without the disk drive though, we can't watch movies that we have, people with slow internet can't play games, and the most important, all of our Xbox and Xbox 360 games will be useless. What do you guys think? Report: Next Xbox To Have No Disc Drive - Xbox360 News at IGN
No disc drive eh? That's a huge step for Microsoft to take. sounds pretty stupid, I'd stick with the 360 for obvious reasons .
So in a sense, our Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo Anniversary, and Halo 4 games would be useless to us at that point. I don't see why the gaming industry is trying to nix backwards compatibility. It just adds novelty to the system. On top of that, it's a safe bet that the storage it takes to support those 4 to 6 gig titles would not come at a cheap price either.
It may never happen any time soon but it could in the not too distant future. With the way lots of technology is going into cloud computing and the internet speed boosts that people all over the world are receiveing downloading your games rather than going to the shops could become the new way of getting games. Although this will kill the pre-owned and rental markets it could still happen seeing as you can already buy quite a few big games through XBL Marketplace. Cartridge gaming, although seen as a thing of the past, it's still a viable method as its cheap to purchase 8+ gb USB memory sticks and the loading times compared to a disk are much faster. Whichever way it goes it will cause 1 thing or another to fall out of popularity, such is the way technology today works. One new innovation in. One tired old method dies slowly out
A) There's no way in hell they're going to jump from Physical Format to JUST Digital format over the course of one console. No. They'll remove a huge piece of their audience. B) That's a rumour, it really doesn't have any backbone. C) If that is the case, then there ARE other storage formats apart from discs. Cartridges, I think, are easier to manufacture and can have just as much space on them. Although I'd prefer if you could keep discs, but I could see Microsoft going down the "You want movie? You get Netflix" road.
No-one called it the 720 officially, except OP. No idea where he got that from, it would be stupid of MS to call the next Xbox the 720, because it sounds ridiculous.
1) No backwards compatibility 2) Lose the market on non internet connected people (it does exist!) 3) Require a constant internet connection which some people do not have 4) Piss of EVERYBODY on EVERY network outtage 5) Require a huge set of costly servers 6) More open to hacking and thus theft of games. tl;dr: no.
I've heard many names for the new Xbox. The Xbox 720 is the most popular name I've heard for it. Another one is the Xbox Durango.
This. Exactly This. We're seeing rumors go flying about with every console nowadays. I personally think it's just wishful thinking... Kinda like how everyone was like "OMG IM IZ GUNNA GET TEH STEEEEMBOXZZ BECUZ IT R TOTURRY TRUF!" because one site came up with a rumor that Valve was working on a console, when not but two days later, Gabe Newell shot down all the rumors of them creating any type of console in the near future. I say, ignore all these goddamn rumors flying about and wait until MICROSOFT actually announces something.
Gamestop would have a pretty tough time selling gamecodes that can be easily attainable online and downloaded online as well.
Durango is technically the "official" name of the console. Durango is the working project name used internally by Microsoft, so if you you were to call this Xbox anything, call it Durango. As said previously, there is no way they'd just this quickly. Yes, online features are a success but no. To download a single game, one would require a pretty good internet connection and I know I have quite a shitty connection compared with most American users. They would not separate their fan base out so much, especially those in rural environments, or some Australians, etc. Data can easily be corrupted on servers, power outages, etc. People will be connected into a server and be very much liable to unauthorized network activities, data corruption, errors, etc. which could cripple a service. I'm not saying online distribution is not going to work; Steam and Origin pull it off. I'm saying in the console market, there will always be a physical medium. Maybe they'll go with USB drives instead of discs, who knows? All I know it, digital distribution on consoles is still in it's infancy.
Lol, only media calls it "Xbox 720" because that is the logical progression from "360". Also internal names never end up being the actual names (remember when kinect was called Project Natal....I miss that. Or the Wii was the Revolution...or the PSVita was the NGP etc) so as far as Durango goes, sure it can be called that for now but don't expect that being the "the" name either.
No, I think you missed the point... they're saying that that was a rumor, just like the one currently being discussed, that turned out to not have any truth to it. I actually liked the name "revolution" much better than "Wii".
No disc drive would be market suicide, as far as I'm concerned. As many people have stated, lots of people don't have great internet, so making games download only would be the worst way to go. Sure, it works for XBLA games, but they're small. Games on Demand also works, but there's always been a physical counterpart. USB drives or SD cards would be the next logical step, as they can take more space than a DVD. But, in saying that, bluray can hold up to 50GB. Although, I have heard tell that there's a 1TB USB drive being shown at CES at Las Vegas this year, so it could go either way. Blurays would probably be cheaper to mass-produce than a HC-USB. I still think it would be stupid, because Microsoft wouldn't want to lose the "home entertainment" edge from the other consoles on the market, even if people can stream movies from Netflix/Zune. As mentioned before, there are people who don't have decent internet, so streaming movies isn't a viable option. Personally, I probably wouldn't buy the next Xbox if it didn't have a disc drive.