Naval Raceway

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by ducain23, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. ducain23

    ducain23 Guardian
    Staff Member Senior Member

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    Race aboard the Aircraft Carrier USS Ducain23 and past a Submarine!!!

    Starting Area:

    Racing Past The Submarine:

    Jumping On The Aircraft Carrier:

    Inside The Aircraft Carrier:

    Driving Past The AA Guns:

    Driving Under A Jet Taking Off:

    Watch Out For The Jet Landing:

    Jumping Off The Aircraft Carrier:

    YouTube Video:
    Halo Reach Racetrack - Naval Raceway [HD] - YouTube

    Hope Everyone Enjoys!!!
  2. Charles Stoot

    Charles Stoot Promethean

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    I like the Air plains that have the string that catapults the air plains in the air that is very descriptive and you must have done some research.
  3. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Nice job man. It prob would have been even cooler if you would have made some of the single wide parts into double wide parts. I love the aesthetics. Looks like some pretty clean forging. The map looks fun and has a nice flow to it. I will DL and let you know how I feel about the game play.
    #3 x DREAM 76 x, Feb 27, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2012
  4. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    Nice!!! I just raced through it once, and I gotta say, it was really good. There were a few annoying moments (Which I'll get to in a minute), but for the most part, it was great. Now on to the bad points. On the rock jump onto the carrier, it's kinda bumpy, and hitting a bump will make you lose your momentum, you won't make the jump, and you'll fall into the ocean. The only other bad thing I experienced was the plane in the back of the carrier(The one which is being tied down by the flag holders). The Grav Lift actually pushed me off the ship on one of my laps. If you can find a way around that, that would be great. Anyway, it's still an awesome map, keep up the GREAT work. :)
  5. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    I like the subway :p

    Anyways, huge fan of your maps, and I like it how you made this map look like it would even work for slayer or CTF.
  6. Waterfall

    Waterfall Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Nice job and honesty having spent some time on a aircraft carrier myself I enjoy the attention t detail... The catipult on the landing jet nice job but with everything so clustered together on the ac how is framerate?
  7. ducain23

    ducain23 Guardian
    Staff Member Senior Member

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    Thanks for the critiques... but on the jet part pushing you off... just don't drive right next to the grav lift and you won't get pushed off... I kept it like that because I wanted it to be like the jet engine was pushing you off if you got too close (like it would do in real life) :D
  8. adeckofcards77

    adeckofcards77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you watch the video, there's one part where there's frame rate problems, but it's for about 5 seconds.
  9. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    sometimes i wonder if you compare your forge objects to real life pictures. cause they look exact. nice work yet again
  10. ducain23

    ducain23 Guardian
    Staff Member Senior Member

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    Haha... when I make my maps i am looking at pictures of the real things... that is how I make them look very precise :D
  11. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics on this map are amazing, as is the norm with your maps. The atmosphere is perfect, and the likeness to real-life is spot-on. It really feels like you are driving around a docked aircraft carrier. If only Reach had color palettes... The track is also fun, with jumps and turns that keep you on your toes. If you could have eliminated the minor FRL that plagues certain portions of the map, you would have a perfect map on your hands. Great job, nonetheless.
  12. Moccabeast

    Moccabeast Forerunner

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    this is an amazing map! I really like all the aesthetics. But it seems to be very laggy if you race it with 10 people or more :) And i love the "23" on the aircraft carrier ^^
  13. G0DLYP4ND4

    G0DLYP4ND4 Forerunner

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    Great map. Almost like you took an aesthetics map and added checkpoints. And people it's not a catapult. This "string" that you speak of is used to slow the jets down during landing. The have a hook that catches the cord. If it wasn't there the jet wouldnt have enough run way to stop. Anyway great map.

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