
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Packeranatic, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    I was messing around with the unlimited vehicles glitch when I decided I wanted wraiths shooting down banshees in a "beehive." But wraiths are terrible at hitting banshees. While the map turned out nothing like a hive, I wound up using plasma launchers for the defending team, which creates an exciting twist to the game. ;)


    Above is the attacker's spawn room. Their goal is to retrieve as many flags as possible. The banshees instantly respawn, giving the attackers an unlimited supply of "bumblebanshees."

    Here is the main room of the hive and the flags they have to steal:


    And one action pic from a 1v1 on the map:


    And I know a 1v1 is not all that exciting, this map is built for more than that, which is why I'd like to show you the twist this map incorporates:


    In case the video doesn't work: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=27136216&player=Packeranatic

    If you lock on to an enemy stealing the flags with the plasma launcher the shots will follow them, and if they're not smart/skilled/lucky enough to dodge the ensuing ricochet shots that this map has on even a 1v1 game, then they'll go down flaming. Players can't spam flags either thanks to the gametype so the attacking team will have to fly for their life while they wait for the flags to respawn.

    I'm looking to get a custom games lobby going for this map sometime this weekend, and I may as well post it to the Tester's Guild.
    #1 Packeranatic, Mar 10, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
  2. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Looks sweet. Shame it didn't turn out 'hive-like' for you. On the plus side though, you've got yourself a can full of blueberry apocalypse that looks like a lot more fun than trying to use a wraith to snipe the banshees. Is it possible for the banshees to splatter or shoot the defending team? If so, AL would add one more source of delicious ricochets, and help keep the gameplay focused on the flags.
  3. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    Currently the banshees can't damage the defenders, to prevent them from clearing the room and then taking all of the flags, but I like the sound of more ricochets. I won't rule it out just yet, as the map is most likely due for some tweaking.

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