What if there was a game type where you just had to survive in firefight, but was also sort of like a gambling match? My idea is every five minutes a pelican comes in. You can take the pelican I get the most for score you have right now, or you can wait until the next pelican comes in. If you die you lose all your credits you could of earned if you took the pelican. There's no time limit. The pelican only sticks around for 15 or 30 seconds. It will go to one of a few pick up sites where the least amount of enemies are: site alpha, beta, charlie, and maybe delta. When you take the pelican your leaving the game. Some other ideas that could be involved in the game type could be new players can join the game, they just have to wait for the pelican to drop them off when it comes in. The pelican can be scared away if attack with too much fire power, such as hunters or wraiths firing at it. Maybe it could even be destroyed. I feel this would be a very fun game!
This is a pretty cool idea, but I don't know how it could be implemented. It doesn't really sound like something that could be made by altering gametypes or throwing in a title update. I think it would actually have to ship with a game. It could be a cool new twist to the blandness of firefight in halo 4, though the concept of gambling credit might not work with whatever its new ranking system is