Ok, maybe on a medium setting, but a Mac Pro (not a Mac Book Pro) could run it at its peek. I mean Mac Pros are beasts.
I think the biggest issue is people confuse PC and Windows. Before everyone flips out and assumes I'm about to say Linux, no, I don't think so. But still, there is a difference. Also, I'd like to vote Apple out of the running for a competitor to PCs. Ask any mac fan, and they'll tell you Apple isn't a product, it's a way of life. There's apparently some unofficial rule(or contract with the devil) that declares if you buy an apple product, you must buy their "superior" products for life. Also, I think I'll trump all of you with MY uber 1337 badass OS: Windows XP XP>Mac Anything>Vista Best OS ever. And with enough messing around, I CAN run Crysis on a brand new PC, because my OS doesn't take up half the computers Hard Drive/CPU.
You're using a generalization to point out people's generalizations. (I think...) It's not so much that as it is macs have poor interoperability. You can't use a Zune with iTunes, can you? I have a mac, but I wish they played nice with other things... that's why I'm going to build a hackintosh.
Look I have Macs and PCs in my house. I use 3rd party products on both, make stuff for both, and get pissed off at them the same amount. (Also I didn't sign with the Apple devil, I still am being hunted by the Apple hit squad. Here are some of the things they did to iPhone hackers, imagine what they will do to me...
W00tness. Why can't more people appreciate that both are good for different things? And they deserved it, hackers that they are... Posted from my glorious mac ("Please Mr. Jobs, let my family go...")