Welcome. Today you have been given clearance to use this state of the art combat simulation enclosure: Initiate download here. Simulacrum Even a Spartan’s sanity can be tested after days of simulation. 2-6 players This is my latest symmetrical map, best suited for 2v2 or 3v3 games. It sports two main chambers straddled by two bases and a few smaller rooms and corridors. Here are some pics: Outside sword room: Sniper location: Outside grenade launcher room: View from sword room to blue hall: Sword vista: Grenade launcher room (lower left): Grenade launcher location: Needle rifle perch: Weapons List 1x Sniper rifle, 180 secs, 1 spare clip 1x Grenade launcher, 120 secs, 2 spare shells 1x Energy sword, 180 secs 1x Needler 2x Needle Rifle 3x DMR 2x Plasma repeater 2x Magnum 1x Spiker 3x Plasma grenades 4x Health station Overall I do not feel the pics do the map justice, so do check it out in person. Thanks to all those who helped in testing, let me know if you'd like a shoutout. I’d appreciate any feedback, good or bad, about the map. Thanks for viewing. Download Simulacrum
Hey dude I remember playing this map a while ago. Like a whiiiiiile ago.i thought it played well then and probably does now. Gave it a download and fly through. I like your use of corner 4x4's, you know how to apply them to keep away from 90 turns. Map flows very smoothly with lots of nice inclines in all the right places. Your windows are definitely becoming somewhat of a signature, as seen in Breezeway. Lots of neutral floor too, it really compliments the 45 degree turns and inclines. Nothing looks out of place, or awkward. The only thing I would change are your respawn zones. Your CTF RESPAWN ZONE and CTF AWAY zones occupy about the same volumes, dissecting the map, and can be replaced with one CTF labeled zone. Also, your Blue and Red Anti-zones have no effect, since they are outside their affiliated respawn zone. Good map dude. Would like to play a game on this sometime. Hopefully in that TCOJ session you mentioned?
I tried making something like this, but didn't execute it so great as you did, I like all the turns, and the small windows that shows what's coming to you. Looks fun for a small party FFA I would have.
Now this is my kinda map, lots of changing areas to fight in without being completely room based. the sideways inclines with the glass showing could be covered up(where sticky is) and there could of been more height added, but you've pulled it off very well. Great job. Downloaded for inspiration
It doesnt seem like much has changed since I played on here a while ago, seems like it was a good map all along! Glad you didnt include the lifts, player traffic was just too drawn to them. The map is fantastic, and although its a bit too grey for my taste, the gameplay is so good I suddenly dont care at all. Great job here, I'll download and if/when I get the chance I'll let you know what I think on this final version. Nominated for FHF.
Cyborg, this map is extremely fun. I may slightly prefer your previous map Breezeway, but this one has some of the same hallmarks: fun for fast and intense flag games, or only marginally less-intense slayer games. What I really liked was how the CTF matches would turn on a dime: one team would get two quick caps and then suddenly be unable to score again for minutes on end as the other team dug in for some tense, difficult defense. Aesthetics are also up to your usual high standard: clean, simple, elegant, yet eminently functional and always built with performance in mind.
So I just looked at the map, and I have to say I really like it. There is no power position, which keeps one moving. However I found that there a was a strange esthetic piece. the two 1x4 blcoks that make up a pillar on the needle rifle perch (in img 10) dont merge very well. It wont affect gameplay, but I figured I would mention it. Also I noticed that many rooms only have 2 entrance/exits. While the map seems to play just fine and keep you moving I would say that ideally there should be 3 ways in/out of a room/area. Well, there's my thoughts. Really I found no substantial issues, the entrance thing didnt cause a problem when I played the 2v2 game here before and I dont expect it to ever (but it is something to note). Again, love the ,map. great work.
@ Nooooch, Thanks. Somehow I just recently learned that away zones aren't actually essential objects, but forgot to replace them on this one. Luckily I didn't need the spare zones. As for the anti-zones, I understand they should be redundant but I usually include them anyways since I swear sometimes I have people spawning outside of their hard respawn zone, which shouldn't happen. But anyways, hopefully we can get a game on it again sometime. @ Shik, FFA can be fun here but make sure you only play with 3-5 players. Otherwise it can get ridiculous sizewise. Of course some people like ridiculously crowded FFA, so to each there own I guess. @I PAINTS I, I thought of covering those inclines with a brace or something but I decided against it since that walkway adds a little flair, and this map is pressed for colored pieces as is. @ xAudienceofone,Thanks for the nomination. I know the 1x4s don't look as crisp but they were the only thing I could put in that spot that covered the strange dimensional gap and that had some color. I believe the grenade launcher room is the only one with only two entrances but it never proved to be much of a camper's advantage in game. It functions more as a side corridor than a room. @ Nutduster, thanks for the comment and for providing a sexy testing venue. I agree that CTF is probably one of the better gametypes on the map. Thanks everyone for the feedback!
Thats's a very good map that you made Cyborg. You made it very neatly, liked the asthetics of the map. It's pretty good and the weapon spawning is good as well. Maybe just maybe you don't have to do this but I think instead of 2v2 and 3v3. I think you should add a extra player in each team so it's 4v4. Also there's some open areas that I think you put a cover or two on it. Neither than that you've done a great job of making this map. - EpICx ReMiX XD
I have actually played 4v4 on the map a couple of times because I hoped it would support it. Some have said that certain gametypes with 8 players were fun but others say that it was just too hectic. If you want a hectic game (a warmup for example), 8 players is doable, but spawning is not as safe. I didn't put it in the range of recommended number of players for this reason, but it's definitely feasible. Some areas in the middle of the two larger chambers are a little open, but I wanted it this way so that the fastest routes between each base were more vulnerable than the side routes, and I think objective-based gameplay benefits from it. Thanks for the comment.
Players spawn outside of their strong zone only if the the negative influencers are strong enough to overcome the immensely positive influence that a strong zone provides. It is very, very rare. However, anti zones don't function in the way you have deployed them. Anti zones are essentially the opposite of a weak zone, in that it tells the engine that you would rather them not spawn here, like how a weak zone says you would rather them spawn here. Basically, if you have a hard zone, then weak and anti zones are only useful inside their affiliated hard zone's volume. If no hard zone is present, well then you aren't defining where to spawn, and weak and anti zones aren't then restricted to their hard zone. Whether you remove them or not, it makes no difference on spawning really.
I guess this map was being pushed to its limits spawn-wise when we tested it 4v4, because I'm pretty sure did have occasions where the negative influencers were high enough to spawn players outside of their hard zones for objective games. I like to think that this stopped because I added the antizones, but perhaps it coincided with the time I stopped trying to run the map with 8 players. Either way I will consolidate the home and away zones into one ctf zone for future maps and see if there are problems from there, so thanks for the tip.