HORDA Hello again. Do you have played paintball? Well, this map is about that. You must download the Custom Gametype to play. Your weapon is a plasma pistol. If you get a shot, you die. Screenshots: Overview: One side view: Blue base: My Bungie profile: Black_master012
This is a pretty colorful looking paintball map. I like paintball maps usually. I like the water in the middle a lot actually. The only complaint people will probably have is that the use of objects is too random. I like that use used colorful objects (and by the looks of it, juicy) but you don't have a uniform theme. Had you used all covenant crates or all UNSC barricades and crates it might have had a different, more unified feel. I do like the map but I think it would look a little bit better if you had tried to go for a covenant paintball arena theme. Good work, these are just my suggestions
I like that you used covenant crates as those really remind me of the good old days when I used to speedball. I loved cover pieces like these. Looks like it'd be an awesome map for the gametype. Very nice choice using PP.